| 闢奴 | Rejecting slavery |
| 家庭藥物學(續) | Household pharmagcology (continued) |
| 蜚蠊驅除法 | Method for exterminating cockroaches |
| 植物對於人身之奇效 | Plants that do wonders for the body |
| 婦女受孕之診斷及孕時之衛生談 | Housewives discussion on the moment of conception and pregnacy health |
| 家事衣類整理法(續) | Method for sorting household clothing (continued) |
| 蠅(附圖五)譯美國衛生雜誌 | Flies (with five images) translated from America hygenie magazine |
| 生育與樂觀譯美國母範雜誌 | Fertility and optimism transltion from America's model mother magazine |
| 育兒問答(續) | Parenting questions and answers (continued) |
| 美容術與呼吸之關係 | Cosmetic surgery and the respiratory system |
| 小兒種牛痘之注意 | Vaccines for children: a notice |
| 兒童家課之研究 | Research on children's homework |
| 續孟軒說經碎語 | |
| 京師白雲觀遊記 | Travelogue from the capital's White Cloud Temple |
| 香山女師範附屬高等生畢業訓詞 | Speach for the Attached advanced students at the Fragrant mountain girls' normal [school] advanced graduation |
| 女校勤勞教育之實施辦法 | Implementation methods for girls' industrious education |
| 戰時婦女對於園藝之注意 | Attention women engaged in wartime gardening |
| 戰時婦女對於園藝之注意 | Women during wartime should pay attention to gardening |
| 婚約 | Betrothal |
| 書尹銳子癸丑作 | |
| 詩選十首 | |
| 詞選五首 | |
| 詩中有畫 | Poetry with a painting in it |
| 詞中有畫 | Poetry with a painting in it |
| 紅兒 | |
| 金釵沽酒錄 | |
| 霜整冰清錄彈詞(續) 周琳簫 | |
| 法國女工釬炸彈壳圖 | Picture of a French women worker sodering a cartidge casing |
| 問古人器物必銘後之好事者或效為之而文質殊尚意者微意所寄會有不同歟試申其說 | |
| 問古人器物必銘後之好事者或效為之而文質殊尚意者微意所寄會有不同歟試申其說 | |
| 代韓文公擬復柳柳州諭史官書 | |
| 代韓文公擬復柳柳州諭史官書 | |
| 蟻說 | Speaking of ants |
| 合浦珠傳奇 | Biography of He Puzhu |
| 玉臺藝乘(續) | Arts of the jade terrace (continued) |
| 模範兒童 | |
| 風俗畫 | Pictures of customs |
| 兒童書畫會 | Children's calligraphy and painting competition |
| 奚囊寸錦(續) | |