| 上海市小學職員聯合會禁止女敎員奇裝異服 | Female teachers are forbidden from wearing fancy dress by the Association of Elementary School in Shanghai |
 | 奇異的自來水筆訟 | The Strange Case of a Fountain Pen |
 | 男子爱的種類 | The types of men's love |
 | 男女心理學上的差别 | The difference between male and female psychology |
 | 我們婦女不要人們特別優待我們 | |
 | 背夫復見棄於情人 | |
 | 處女膜的史蹟 | A history of hymen |
 | 怎樣使情人專愛我 | How to make him only love me |
 | 怎樣確定我是處女 | How to make sure that I am a virgin |
 | 健美的少女有腋毛 | Bodybuilding girls have armpit hair |
 | 敷粉,電燙,染黃髮 | Apply face powder, perm hair, go blonde |
 | 主婦十誡 | Ten things housewives shouldn‘t do |
 | 訂婚期中女子應當怎樣 | Women's dos and don'ts during engagement |
 | 好萊塢影星談女子美容秘訣:自然,清潔,不煩惱為美容三原則 | Hollywood stars talk about women's beauty secrets:Natural, clean, no worries as the three principles of beauty |
 | 小兒之看護法 | How to care for children |
 | 小孩幾種疾病的原因 | Causes of several children's diseases |
 | 剃刀血案答案 | Answer of the detective story "Razor murder" |
 | 剃刀血案 | Razor murder |
 | 大外交家與大交際家 | The great diplomat and sociable man |
 | 世界上最豪縱的女子 | The most extravagant woman in the world |
 | 這樣受愚 | To be fooled like this |