| 目錄 | Contents |
| 市府舉辦蓄婢登記 | The city hall holds slave maids registration |
| 血統聯婚問題 | The issue of consanguineous marriage |
| 德國女子強迫工作底教訓 | Lesson from the compulsory work of German women |
| 豔詞中的性慾描寫 | The description of sexual desire in erotic poems |
| 美國大學教授發表:接吻一次,短壽二十分鐘 | An American professor pronounced: kiss once, live 20 minutes shorter |
| 猺女之雪花舞 | Snowflakes dance of Yao women |
| 蘇俄的結婚與離婚 | Getting married and dicorce in Soviet Russia |
| 怎樣建設美的家庭 | How to build a beautiful home |
| 愛底迷鈴下的缺憾美 | Beauty of defect under the magic charm of love |
| 啟明女校師生「愛人」之爭 | Disbute about ''lover'' between the students and teachers in Qiming Girls' School |
| 如何防免過度的色慾 | How to prevent and avoid the excessive sexual desire |
| 天然的缺陷 | Congenital defect |
| 處女有無白帶 | Do virgins have whitish discharge |
| 如何克服情敵 | How to beat the rival in love |
| 惹人討厭的油光面 | The annoying oily face |
| 妙語 | Witticisms |
| 兒童與保養:新生兒哺乳及保健法 | Children and health care: Newborn's breast-feeding and nursing methods |
| 朱秋痕的戀愛史 | The love story of Zhu Qiuhen |
| 美國富家千金登台表演裸體跳舞 | The daughter of an American rich family showed nude dance on stage |
| 本期漫畫指迷答案 | Solutions to ''Find errors in caricatures'' of this issue |
| 女人走路像一頭牛!美國博士傳授走路藝術 | Women walk like a cow! American Professor teaches the art of walking |