| 掙扎在死亡線上的中國農村婦女 | Chinese countrywomen struggling on the verge of death |
| 女人是禍水嗎? | Are women the ruining flood? |
| 酒,高跟鞋 誤了她 | Alcohol and high-heeled shoes destroyed her |
| 女子教育的我見 | My point of view on women education |
| 西藏之女性中心家族制 | The women-centered family system in Tibet |
| 一個新奇有趣客廳的佈置法 | An interesting and novel way of decoration for living room |
| 女兒經 | Bible for girls |
| 給有愛人的人 | To those who have lovers |
| 自我戀的現象 | The phenomenon of narcissism |
| 熱戀,不得自由 | Fallen in love, no freedom |
| 如何治遺精 | How to treat nocturnal emission |
| 美容新法 | New beautifying methods |
| 嬰兒之啼哭和母親的注意 | Baby's crying and mother's attention |
| 兒童生長的考察 | Research on children's growth |
| 養豬育肥法 | How to raise strong and fleshy pigs |
| 茀雷亞斯坦舞的故事 | The story of ?'s dance |
| 女明星十二金釵之個性 | The character of the twelve beautiful women stars |
| 男明星淪為男妓 | Man star fell into prostitute |
| 老高是龍邱居士 | Gao senior is Mr. Longqiu |
| 一個趣聞 | An anecdote |
| 流浪的歌者 | Wandering singer |
| 談七夕詩詞 | About poems of Qixi |
| 消夏錄 | Summer stories |
| 換妻趣聞 | An anecdote of exchanging wives |
| 楊秀瓊廈門獻藝 | Yang Xiuqiong demonstrated her talent in Xiamen |
| 盜劫裸體主義者 | Nudists got robbed |
| 首都第一次集團結婚趣聞 | Anecdote: The first group wedding in the capital Beijing |
| 男女露體罰做苦工 | Hard labor as punsihment for men and women being nude |
| 妓女預約券 | Prostitute reservation coupon |
| 編輯後記 | Editor epilogue |