No. 172 (20 February, 1935)
Pages available: 1 - 64 (64 total)
本期要目Important contents of this issue
危文繡的不幸The misfortune of Wei Wenxiu
百分之七十五與理想的丈夫Seventy-five percent and the ideal husband
二重人格Double personality
上海女人速寫Shanghai women sketch
滬女律師調查A survey of female lawyers in Shanghai
為吃飯而含垢忍辱:一個模特兒的告白Enduring contempt and insults for the living: The confession of a model
玲子的悲哀The sorrow of Lingzi
去吧你這自命多情的人Go away! You amorous playboy
父母須知Things parents need to know
新時代家庭常識Common knowledge for a modern family
不妊娠的原因Causes for infertility
胃病片談Something about stomach illness
保護牙齒Protect your teeth
離婚贍養Divorce maintenance
未婚夫要求解約Fiance asking for release from the engagement
落花有意,流水無情:一件轟動長沙的單戀案An sensational case of unrequited love in Changsha
革命偉人:胡蘭畦的一段艷史A romance of the great revolutionist: Hu Lanqi
流浪女學生鬻歌賣淫Wandering woman student live on singing and prostitution
隊隊鴛鴦帶病飛,某校旁療養院之秘密Couples get sick: Secrets of the nursing home by the school
市府改訂集團結婚日期Municipal government rescheduled the date of group wedding
北平師大女宿舍開放趣聞Anecdote about open women dormitory of Beiping Normal University