| 本期要目 | Important contents of this issue |
| 蘇俄女工之工作與待遇 | The Working Condition of Russain Female Workers. |
| 寡婦守節之應解放 | strict moral standards imposed on widows should be relieved |
| 聰明的妻子應替丈夫守秘密 | a smart wife should keep her husband's secret well |
| 廣西猺人婦女的生活 (上) | The Life of the Yao Women in Guangxi (part I) |
| 印度新婚的風俗 | The Customs of the Newlywed Period in India |
| 兄妹結婚 | Marriage Between Siblings |
| 婦女消息 | Women's News |
| 恢復我底青春 | How Can I Return to Youth |
| 真愛情最難得 | True Love is Rare |
| 愛人拒絕訂婚 | Lover Refused to Betroth |
| 父女結婚幾成事實 | a marriage between father and daughter almost realized |
| 粵少女厭世蹈海 | a cantonese girl jumped into the sea to commit suicide |
| 睡衣的研究 | On Pajamas |
| 養金魚的經驗談 | On Keeping Goldfish |
| 洋火受潮 | Wet Matches |
| 燈草能知晴雨 | rush reports the weather |
| 妾與人姦 | The Concubine Commited Adultery |
| 納妾棄妻 | abandoning his wife to get a concubine |
| 吻的話 | About Kiss |
| 花瓶 | Vase |
| 募捐(下) | Collecting Funds (Part Two) |
| 情書展覽 | Love Letters on Display |
| 俄國養育孤兒法 | How Orphans are Raised in Russia |
| "教養"和小孩 | "Breeding" and Children |
| 明星電話號碼的誤會 | a misunderstanding caused by a telephone number of a star |
| 狗鼻紋的用處 | The Usage of Nose Prints of the Dogs |
| 兒子老過母親 | The Son is Older than the Mother |
| 本星期明星日記 | diaries on the lives of stars of this week |
| 兩週間中外新片等級 | ratings of the domestic and foreign films of these two weeks |
| 加州大地震時好萊塢明星之恐慌 | The Hollywood stars were panicked at the California earthquake |
| 電影明星式婚姻 | The Movie Star Style Marriage |
| 阮玲玉的蚊子救國 | Ruan Lingyu's "Mosquitoes Save Our Country" Theory |
| 國內影壇近訊 | news on domestic film production |
| 中外影片的意識 | The Ideology on Chinese and Foreign Films |