| 第四十二期要目 | Important contents of issue 42 |
 | 張默君為女界力爭姓藉革命 | Revolution of Zhang Xianjun striving for women's own registered permanent residence |
 | 透明言論 | Transparent speech |
 | 男子的愛 | Men's love |
 | 貢獻與摩登女子的 | Contributed to modern women |
 | 戀愛結婚與性的安慰 | Love, marriage and the comfort of sex |
 | 中國的舞男 | Chinese dancing men |
 | 幾個要人對於結婚的見解 | Several important personages' opinions on marriage |
 | 紅花瓶 | Red flower vase |
 | 疑難解答 | Doubts, difficulties and solutions |
 | 進退維谷的婚姻 | Marriage in dilemma |
 | 冬季不宜結婚 | It is not good to get married in winter |
 | 姙娠之徵象 | Signs of pregnancy |
 | 怎樣使妻子滿意 | How to make your wife satisfied |
 | 簡潔的浴室 | Neat bathroom |
 | 盲目婚姻的可怕 | The dreariness of blind marriage |
 | 兩少女的自殺 | The suicide of two young girls |
 | 人像攝影的美 | The beauty of figure photography |
 | [No title] | |
 | 化妝的藝術品 | Decorative art work |
 | 天之驕子 | God's favored one |
 | [影界女性的典型露浦葛麗絲 Lupe Velez] | Lupe Velez, the representative of the women in the film circle |
 | 嬰兒食料之商酌 | Deliberation over baby's food |
 | 駝背嬌的正 | Hunchback correction |
 | 少女的初戀(二) | The first love of a young girl (part two) |
 | 晚步 | Evening stroll |
 | 一位白費心思的他 | He racked his brain in vain |
 | 愛的真味 | The true taste of love |
 | 除夕之夜 | The New Year's Eve |
 | 津市的叫賣物 (三) | Peddling items in markets in Tianjin (part three) |
 | 一九三一年來公認的佳片 (三) | Universally acknowledged good films since 1931 (part three) |
 | 編輯者言 | Editor´s Note |
 | 四個步驟 | Four steps |
 | 新嫁娘的烹調術 | Cooking techniques for newly married women |
 | 好萊塢聖誕樹 | Christmas trees in Hollywood |
 | 中國電影珍聞 | News titbits of Chinese movies |
 | 女星再嫁 | A female star getting married again |