No. 032 (21 October, 1931)
Pages available: 1 - 40 (40 total)
我們救國的方針Our guidelines for saving the nation
國文課上的素描The sketch of having a Chinese class
怕羞的他 - 女子穿短裙被控He who is shy - a woman being accused of wearing short skirt
笑的禍The trouble caused by laughing
秋夜禮服Autumn evening dress
何以女子不嫁!Why do women not get married?
辨別處女的常識Common knowledge for detecting a virgin
珍玲女士Ms Zhenling
妊娠第一個月The first month of pregnancy
美國學校試用蝴蝶像片 American schools use photographs of butterflies
家鄉婦女的烹調術(未完)The culinary skills of women from our hometown (to be continued)
男子的醜態(二)Men's foolish manner (2)
紅唇新法New ways for having red lips
兒童習慣的訓練The training of children's habits
獎勵兒童的方法Ways of rewarding children
解約離婚後的她(續)She after having been divorced (continued)
新詞介紹Introducing some new poems
好萊塢宴會的門檻The threshold to a Hollywood banquet
麻雀救國Save the nation by stop playing mahjong
編輯者言Editor's note