Funü Shibao
No. 012 (10 January, 1914)
Pages available: 1 - 120 (120 total)
婦女時報第十二期目錄Funü shibao Issue no.12 Table of Contents
拿破侖之母黎琪夏傳Biography of Letizia, mother of Napoloeon
吾所望於求學時代之女子My expectations of women during their school years
白宮中之海伊司夫人Mrs. Hayes of the White House
女子自衛法Self-defense for women
日本賣花女郎小傳Short biography of a Japanese woman who sells flowers
對於兒童之保護Protection of children
儷敬室隨筆Jottings from the Lijing Study
泣之心理Psychology of crying
小兒生產後之第一月The first month after a baby's birth
尚志女塾生旅行記Travelogue of students of Shangzhi School for Girls
余妙華女士小傳Biography of Ms. Yu Miaohua
寧波女士職業譚Women's occupations in Ningbo
女子參政權論Women's suffrage
孝女復仇記Revenge of a filial daughter
蚊 (續)Mosquitoes (continued)
科學小言Science trivia
邯鄲新夢New dreams in Handan
文字非學問說On the argument that language is not [real] knowledge
裁縫科講義Tailoring instructions
國語統一於教育前途之利益Benefits of standardization of the Chinese language for the future of education
贈毛姊裕蕙For elder sister Mao Yuhui
贈劉姊韻芳For elder sister Liu Yunfang
讀茹恨集書後七十二韻Seventy-two songs composed after reading Ruhenji
古廟行Visit to an old temple
郊外行Outing in the country side
蘇武Su Wu
錢江晚渡Crossing the Qian river at night
吊秋娘墓二絕Two poems to lament Ms. Qiu at her grave
箴從兄一首A poem composed at the request of older brother
癩叔命題呂夢符半醒獨立圖Colophon for the painting of a half-awakened man by Lü Mengfu, on the request of [my] uncle
關於女子之農業About women and agriculture