| 清道丸開胃健脾 | Pills for cleaning intestines and strengthening stomach and spleen |
 | 商務印書館出版關于外交問題之重要書籍 | Imporortant diplomatic books published by Commerce Press |
 | 橄榄香皂 | Olive soap |
 | 福美明連保喉聖片 | Fumeiming pills for protecting throat |
 | 小學生用白朗尼鏡箱 | Bronie camera for pupil |
 | 冠生園主人挽回利權 | Guanshengyuan's business revitalized |
 | 敬告女界 | to inform respectfully the women of medicine |
 | 白鳳丸 | Pills to enrich women's blood |
 | 高亭華行唱片 | Music records from Gaotinghua company |
 | 烏暗之齒齒之病源 | Dark teeth is the origin of teeth disease |
 | 小學生用白朗尼鏡箱 | Bronie Camera for pupil use |
 | 世界最優秀完美之嬰孩 | The most excellent and perfect baby in the world |
 | 英語周刊 | English weekly |
 | 司各脫乳白鲨魚肝油 | Scott shark oil |
 | 唐五代詞選 | Excerpts of poems in Tang dynasty |
 | 童話 | Fairy tale |
 | 商務印書館發行 | Published by Commerce press |