| 兩大特價 | Two books on sale |
| 補爾多壽 | Ferratin |
| 業餘的好伴侶 | Good companions of spare time |
| 教育叢書 | Book series on education |
| 教育叢著 | Book series on education |
| 人生之煩惱 | Trouble of life |
| 為母親所鍾愛者 | For the mother s loved one |
| 浙江興業銀行 | The National Commercial Bank of Zhejiang |
| 畫像祕法 | The secret methods of painting portraits |
| 種德園各種良藥 | All kinds of good medicine produced by Zhong de yuan |
| 棕欖香皂/ 婦女均歡迎樂用 | Palmolive soap/ Women all like using it |
| 污暗之齒牙使成潔白 | Make dark teeth clean and white |
| 柯達自寫特色 | Kodak s self-recording feature |
| 保齒禦病牙刷 | Prophylactic toothbrush |
| 《獨立青年》第三期要目 | Independent Youth, table of contents, issue 3 |
| 《獨立評論》第四五期合刊要目 | Independent Commentary, table of contents, combined issues 4 and 5 |
| 智力勇 | High intelligence |
| 青年教育專號 | Special issue on youth education |
| 女子讀物 | Readings for women |
| 《學生雜誌》《英文雜誌》《小說月報》《少年雜誌》 | Students Quarterly Journal/ The English Student/ Fiction Monthly Magazine/ Youth Magazine |
| 婦女叢書 | Book series on women |
| 《民鐸雜誌》《學藝雜誌》《自然界》《社會學》 | The People's Tocsin Magazine/ Xueyi Magazine/Nature/ Sociology |
| 日常用書 | Books for daily life |
| 衛生要籍 | Important books on hygiene |
| 中學適用音樂書 | Music books for middle school students |
| 新書 | New books |
| 外埠採購圖書文具之唯一捷逕 | The only way to purchase books and stationery out of town |
| 中學國語文科補充讀本 | Supplementary reading materials of art subjects in the Chinese language for middle-school |
| 湯佩琳女士紀念冊徵文啓事 | Call for essays for Mrs. Tang Peilin s commemorative album |
| 徵求婦女雜誌 | Wanting the Ladies Journal |
| 孕育中的愛之專號 | Speicial issue on love in preparation |