| 中國最新的兒童文學雜誌, 兒童世界 | China's latest magazine on children's literature, The world of a child |
 | 絲帶牌擦牙膏 | Colgate's brand toothpaste |
 | 老虎牌 花露水 | Tiger brand perfume |
 | 橘紅半夏露 | Tangerine pinellia bernata dew |
 | 新法教科書 | Nex style textbooks |
 | 中等學校適用 統一國語之利器 | For use in middle school, textbooks for establishing a unified national language |
 | 新小學教科書 | New textbooks for primary school |
 | 各種賀年卡片 | New Year greeting cards of all kinds |
 | '學生生活研究號' 徵文 | A call for submissions for 'Studies into the lives of students' |
 | 出牙痛苦腹瀉肚脹等症治愈 | Remedies for symptoms such as teething pains, diarrhea, etc. |
 | 英文雜誌, 學生雜誌, 小說雜誌, 少年雜誌 | English magazine, Student magazine, Fiction monthly, Youth magazine |
 | 函授學社英文科 招生廣告 | Recruiting students for a correspondence course in English language |
 | 共學社樷書 | Books for general study |
 | 世界樷書 | Books on world knowledge |
 | 尚志學會業書 | Book series for higher learning from the learned society |
 | 南京高等師範學校叢書 | Book series from Nanjing advanced vocational school |
 | 社會教育之利器, 活動影片, 教育, 體育, 時事, 風景, 新戲, 古戲 六大類 | Moving pictures, instruments for bettering society, on education, sports, current affairs, landscapes, new style theater, old style drama |
 | 上海涵芬樓收買舊書 | Hanfenglou in Shanghai seeks to acquire old books |