| 梁任公先生編定 | (books) edited by Mr. Liang Rengong |
 | 涵芬樓影印 | Hanfen studio |
 | 醫學衛生 | Medical hygiene |
 | 教育業書 | Education profession books |
 | 梁任公先生著 | Books by Mr. Liang Rengong |
 | 影印殿版四史 | Printed back issues of the four histories |
 | 兒童最好之奬勵品 | The products to encourage children's learning |
 | 英文雜誌 | English Journal |
 | 英語週刊 | English Weekly |
 | 共和國民黨讀 | Republican must reads |
 | 東方雜誌 | Eastern Miscellany |
 | 女子中學師範教科書 | Education books for girls' middle school |
 | 辭源 | Dictionary |
 | 小說月報七卷 | Fiction monthly number seven |
 | 中學共和國教科書 | Republican text book |
 | 各種小說 | All types of fiction |
 | 畫片大徵集 | Collection of images |
 | 教育雜誌/學生雜誌/少年雜誌 | Education review /Student Magazine/ Youth magazine |
 | 模範軍人 | Model soldier |
 | | The Ladies' Journal |
 | 韋廉士大醫生紅色補丸 | Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People |