Funü zazhi
No. 002 (31 January, 1920)
Pages available: 1 - 168 (168 total)
德華大字典German-Chinese Dictionary
新年必備之品Must-haves for new year
教育玩具Educational toys
旁氏白玉霜Pond's extract company's vanishing cream
女界最適用之圖書Most suitable books for the women's circle
可愛之兒童須用良法教其識字遊戲Cute children need to learn to play letter games by good methods
送禮佳品Good items for gift-giving
女界必讀之小說Must-read novels for the women's circle
彼之夫人治愈Your wife's full recovery
博士壽粟Post toasties
英漢新辭典New English-Chinese Dictionary
各種音樂唱歌用書All kinds of music and singing books
鶴卯通丸Hormotone balls
論登書籍及雜誌廣告的利益Discussion on the interest of advertising books and journals
冰原探險記Adventure to iceland
東方雜誌The Eastern Miscellany
英語正音講習會Seminar on standard English pronunciation
敬告全國小學校To elementary schools across the nation
北京大學月刊/ 英文雜誌/ 留美學生季報/ 少年雜誌Peking University Monthly/ English Magazine/ The Chinese Students Quarterly/Youth Magazine
教育雜誌/ 學生雜誌/ 小說月報/ 英語週刊Education Magazine/ Students Quarterly Journal/ Fiction Monthly Magazine/ English Magazine
開學用品Back to school supplies
通俗教育畫Popular educational pictures
棋類玩具Board games
新書New books
新體國語教科書New-style Mandarin textbooks
習英文之好機會New opportunity to learn English
收買舊書Buy used books
家庭俱樂部徵文廣告Family club call for submissions
The Ladies' Journal
保赤無憂Save babies without worry
撫育嬰兒之婦女Childrearing women