Funü Shibao
No. 018 (31 May, 1916)
Pages available: 1 - 136 (136 total)
血乃身之寶 . . .Blood is the treasure of the body
天然習畫帖Samples paintings of nature
名閨寶繪/ 即中國名畫第十五集Paintings gentry women/ It is the volume 15 of Famous Chinese Paintings
福美爾女金丹新出品New product: Fumeier pills for women
上海安衛生西法鑲牙所Shanghai A. Wilson Dentist (Using Western methods of dentistry)
帕勒托大補劑/ 功能補血補腦強身強種Pailetuo potion is able to improve the quality of blood, enhance and strengthen the brain and the body
中國歷代帝后像/ 前清十一朝皇帝相Portraits of emperors and empresses of China's past dynasties/ Portraits of eleven emperors of former Qing
各學校適用/ 習字範本Suitable for use at all schools/ calligraphy samples
新出版珂羅版精印碑帖Newly published collotype-printed ink rubbings
大中堂/ 新出宋人畫寒禽艷雪大中堂Large horizontal scrolls/ A painting of animals in snow painted by a painter from the Song dynasty
最新結婚學/ 最新矯癖法/ 不老不死法New study on marriage/ Instructions on how to kick bad habits/ Instructions on how to prolong life
中國女子裁縫手工教科書/ 女子書翰文/ 名媛尺牘/ 黃石齋夫人書孝經墨跡Textbooks on tailoring, sewing and handicrafts for Chinese women/ Exemplary essays by women/ Letters by gentry women/ Xiaojing, calligraphy by the wife of Huang Shizai
摺扇團扇/ 信箋信封Folding fans and round fans/ letter papers and envelopes
時報六大特色/ 中華民國唯一日刊/ 時報The six characteristics of Eastern Times/ The only daily newspaper in the Republic of China/ Eastern Times
中國第一/ 初拓正續三希堂法帖First in China/ Original ink rubbing of the Sanxitang calligraphy
夏季唯一之消遣品/ 新小說The only [best] entertainment for the summer/ new novels
舊小說/ 原本紅樓夢/ 原本聊齋誌異Classic novels/ Original edition of Dream of Red Chamber/ Original edition of Strange Tales from a Rustic Studio
對聯/ 廳堂陳設送禮美品Poetic couplet scrolls/ Great for decorating rooms and as gifts
有正書局精印/漢碑/ 魏碑/晉碑/ 隋碑/ 唐碑Ink rubbings [from]/ Han/ Wei/ Sui/ Tang
人人必須/ 日用便覽Everybody needs one/ An index for the everyday
有正書局精印Finely printed by Youzheng Bookstore
第十九期要目預告Preview for the next issue (issue #19)
小說時報大刷新布告Announcement for the revamp of Fiction Times