© Courtesy of the Institute of Chinese Studies, Library, Heidelberg University.
著名書畫家楊士猷君 The famous calligrapher and painter Mr. Yang Shiyou
楊士猷 Yang Shiyou (mentioned in advertisement), 楊玉照 Yang Yuzhao (depicted on image),
著名書畫家楊士猷君, The famous calligrapher and painter Mr. Yang Shiyou
Brand: 韋廉士醫生藥局, Dr. Williams medicine company
Keywords: children, Medicine, treat disease ,
楊士猷 Yang Shiyou (mentioned in advertisement), 楊玉照 Yang Yuzhao (mentioned in advertisement),
正式閣下及尊夫人適用之良劑, The fine medicine suitable for you and your wife
Brand: 韋廉士醫生藥局, Dr. Williams medicine company
Keywords: Medicine, treat disease ,
卓濟寗 Zhuo Jining (mentioned in advertisement),