© Courtesy of the Institute of Chinese Studies, Library, Heidelberg University.
線裝書 Book in traditional format
諸子文粹, Essence of the books written by different masters
通俗新尺牘, A new model of letter writing
Brand: 商務印書館, Commercial Press
商業文件舉隅, Examples of commercial documents
Brand: 商務印書館, Commercial Press
禮記菁華錄, Essence of the Book of Rites
左傳菁華錄, Essence of Zuozhuan
字帖, Copybook
Brand: 商務印書館, Commercial Press
酬世文柬指南, A guide to how to write invitation letter
Brand: 商務印書館, Commercial Press
求女學友, Search for a female friend to study with
上海涵芬樓收買舊書, Shanghai Hanfen studio is buying old books
Brand: 涵芬樓, Hanfen studio