© Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University.
日本女博士的婚嫁難, difficulty of marriage for Japanese Phd women
日本女博士會 Riben nu bo shi hui (mentioned in article), 曼麗 Manli (Author), 福井 Fujing (mentioned in article), 陶慰孫 Tao Weisun (mentioned in article),
Keywords: marriage, Japan, Learning, university,
黑衣宰相的夫人, wife of black prime minister
墨索里尼 Mosuolini (mentioned in article), 愛陶 Aitao (mentioned in article), 月樓 Yuelou (Author), 賴克萊 Laikelai (mentioned in article),
Keywords: politics, good wife and wise mother, Italy,