© Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University.
(左) 虎大小姐,虎二小姐,虎三小姐 (left) Miss Tiger the Elder, Miss Tiger the Second, Miss Tiger the Junior
(左) 電影明星:安麗她潑淇、瓊瑪斯,梅淇伊文斯 (left) Movie Stars: Anita Page, Joan Marsh, Madge Evans
(depicted on image, depicted on image), Marsh, Joan (depicted on image), 安麗她潑淇 Anlitapoqi (mentioned in caption), 梅淇伊文斯 Meiqiyiwensi (mentioned in caption), 瓊瑪斯 Qiongmasi (mentioned in caption),