© Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University.
南錫嘉露在新片中之表演 Nancy Carroll performing in the new film
(depicted on image), 南錫嘉露 Nanxi Jialu (mentioned in caption),
范麗絲半裸的舞姿 Vélez dancing half-naked
(mentioned in caption), Vélez, Lupe (depicted on image),
表演甜吻的莎莉薏莉和白率爾姆斯 Shaliyili and Baishuai'ermusi performing kissing
白率爾姆斯 Baishuaiermusi (depicted on image, mentioned in caption), 莎莉薏莉 Shaliyili (depicted on image, mentioned in caption),
卡羅琳拍之秋波流盼 Carole Lombard's beautiful eyes
Keywords: stars,
(mentioned in caption), 卡羅琳拍 Kaluolinpai (mentioned in caption, depicted on image),
下期起本刊銅圖特請宗惟賡君編輯, pages printed on art paper will be edited by Mr. Zong Weigeng starting from the next issue
宗惟賡 Zong Weigeng (mentioned in advertisement),