© Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University.
曼麗恩尼克生和華納拔克斯同遊郊野的合影 Group photo of Marian Nixon and Warner Baxter going for an outing together in the open countryside
Keywords: stars,
曼麗恩尼克生 Manliennikesheng (depicted on image, mentioned in caption), 華納拔克斯 Huanabakesi (mentioned in caption, depicted on image),
對於結婚感到趣味的電影明星劉愛司和羅拉的合影 Group photo of movie stars Liu'aisi and Laura who are interested in marriage
(depicted on image), 劉愛司 Liu Aisi (mentioned in caption, depicted on image), 羅拉 Luola (depicted on image),