© Courtesy of the Institute of Chinese Studies, Library, Heidelberg University.
健忘的瑙麥希拉, The forgetful Norma Shearer
Marion Davies (mentioned in article), Thalberg, Irving (mentioned in article), 歐文泰爾保 Ouwen Taierbao (mentioned in article), 瑪麗苔維絲 Mali Taiweisi (mentioned in article),
Keywords: anecdotes, film; movie,
娛樂 Entertainment
"Lin Loon Nagazine" 玲瓏圖畫雜誌,華商三和公司發行,Vo. ii No. 51., Linglong pictorial magazine, issued by the Chinese business, Sanhe company
華商三和公司 Hua shang Sanhe gong si (mentioned in article),