© Courtesy of the Institute of Chinese Studies, Library, Heidelberg University.
影界最近小消息, The latest rumors in the cinema world
June Callyer (mentioned in article), Marlene Dietreich (mentioned in article), Pola Negri (mentioned in article), Stuart Erwin (mentioned in article), Webb, Fay (mentioned in article), 嚴月嫻 Yan Yuexian (mentioned in article), 承諟 Chengti (Author), 求考理 Qiu Kaoli (mentioned in article), 瑪琳迭屈立去 Malin Diequliqu (mentioned in article), 當高琪亞立斯 Danggaoqi Yalisi (mentioned in article), 胡蝶 Hu Die (mentioned in article), 路兌凡耳 Ludui Faner (mentioned in article), 阮玲玉 Ruan Lingyu (mentioned in article),
沉思 Reflections
中外電影明星照片, Photos of Chinese and Foreign Movie Stars
Keywords: San Ho Company,