© Courtesy of the Institute of Chinese Studies, Library, Heidelberg University.
錫南的新機會, Nancy's new chance
Ernst Lubitch (mentioned in article), Lionel Barrymore (mentioned in article), Nancy Carroll (mentioned in article), Phillips Holms (mentioned in article), 利翁乃爾巴里穆亞 Liwengnaier Balimuya (mentioned in article), 南錫卡洛 Nanxi Kaluo (mentioned in article), 小慧 Xiao Hui (Author), 恩司脫劉別謙 Ensituo Liubieqian (mentioned in article), 非立伯好爾門等 Feilibo Hao'ermendeng (mentioned in article),
拳術擊家賈克登潑賽送給寶斯脫推漏之汽車 The car given as present by the boxer Jiakedengposai to Baosituotuilou