Funü Shibao
No. 020 (31 October, 1916)
Page: 014 (144 total)

© Courtesy of the Institute of Chinese Studies, Library, Heidelberg University.


朱氏昆仲雙婚圖/ 朱少屏夫人/ 王夏 (陪新)/ 朱少屏/ 戴傳賢 (司儀)/ 黃克強 (證婚)/ 朱紫湘夫人/ 朱紫湘/ 楊豹靈 (陪新) Photo of the double weddings of the Zhu brothers/ Mrs. Zhu Shaoping/ Wang Xia (groomsman)/ Zhu Shaoping/ Dai Chuanxian (master of ceremony)/ Huang Keqiang (witness)/ Mrs. Zhu Zixiang/ Zhu Zixiang/ Yang Baoling (groomsman)

(depicted on image, depicted on image, depicted on image, mentioned in caption, mentioned in caption, mentioned in caption), 朱少屏夫人 Zhu Shaoping furen (depicted on image, mentioned in caption), 朱紫湘 Zhu Zixiang (depicted on image, mentioned in caption), 朱紫湘夫人 Zhu Zixiang furen (depicted on image, mentioned in caption), 楊豹靈 Yang Baoling (depicted on image, mentioned in caption), 王夏 Wang Xia (depicted on image, mentioned in caption),