© Courtesy of the Institute of Chinese Studies, Library, Heidelberg University.
一初生洗浴時/ 二安臥床上時/ 三抱出至街上時(生後一月)/ 四向鄰家閒遊時/ 五與母同往禮拜時(生後二月)/ 六偶患濕疹時(生後七月)/ 七濕疹全癒時 (生後九月)/ 八始以一人出游時/ 九持玩具遊戲時/十﹐十一 生後一周期 1.bathing right after birth/ 2. Restfully sleeping on the bed/ 3. Being taken out (one month after birth)/ 4. Going to the neighour's/ 5. Going to church with mother (two months after birth)/ 6. Occassionally suffering from eczema (seven months after birth)/ 7. Recovered from eczema (nine months after birth)/ 8. Going out alone/ 9. Playing with toys/ 10,11. One year after birth