© Courtesy of the Institute of Chinese Studies, Library, Heidelberg University.
漆室女, Qishinü [a girl (woman) who concerns about the current state of the country - from Lienüzhuan?]
秋瑾 Qiu Jin (mentioned in article),
Keywords: women's education, Mulan,
調查呼蘭府幼女學校報告書, Report on the survey of schools for young girls in Hulanfu
Keywords: women's education,
調查巴彥州幼女學校報告書, Report on the survey of schools for young girls in Bayanzhou
辛藻 Xin Zao (Author),
Keywords: women's education,
調查黑龍江幼女學校記, Survey of schools for young girls in Heilongjiang
Keywords: women's education,