No. 108 (30 August, 1933)
Page: 030 (64 total)

© Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University.


廣州名體育家(自左至右)容羨紅、鮑以薇、馬慶新、司徒薇、盧慧嫺 Famous atheletes from Guangzhou (from left to right) Rong Xianhong, Bao Yiwei, Ma Qingxin, Situ Wei, Lu Huixian

Keywords: sports, profession/work, women,

(Photographer), 司徒薇 Situ Wei (mentioned in caption, depicted on image), 容羨紅 Rong Xianhong (depicted on image, mentioned in caption), 盧慧嫺 Lu Huixian (depicted on image, mentioned in caption), 馬慶新 Ma Qingxin (mentioned in caption, mentioned in caption), 鮑以薇 Bao Yiwei (depicted on image, mentioned in caption),