No. 109 (06 September, 1933)
Page: 021 (64 total)

© Courtesy of the C. V. Starr East Asian Library, Columbia University.


玲瓏廣告, Advertisement in Linglong

尋夫, Looking for my lost husband.

Keywords: marital relationships,

理哥 Li ge (mentioned in advertisement), 華兒 Hua'er (mentioned in advertisement),

麗敏, Limin

麗敏 Limin (mentioned in advertisement),


Keywords: love and sex, advertisement, friendship,

麗蓮, Lilian

Keywords: love and sex, marriage,

義 Yi (mentioned in advertisement), 麗蓮 Lilian (mentioned in advertisement),

李珠, Li Zhu

Keywords: letters, friendship,

李珠 Li Zhu (mentioned in advertisement),