Funü Shibao
No. 006 (01 May, 1912)
Page: 010 (126 total)

© Courtesy of the Institute of Chinese Studies, Library, Heidelberg University.


中國女教習日本人金原君 Japanese Female teacher in China, Kinbara-san

金原君 Kinbara-san (depicted on image, mentioned in caption),


(日本著名之雙美) 鍋島侯爵夫人禎子前田侯爵夫人淺子姊妹以茶果敬客時攝影 (Two famous beauties in Japan) Sadako, the wife of Duke Nabeshima; Asako, the wife of Duke Maeda. The photo was taken while the two sisters were serving tea to the guests.

淺子 Qianzi (depicted on image, mentioned in caption), 禎子 Zhenzi (depicted on image, mentioned in caption),