No. 107 (23 August, 1933)
Page: 033 (64 total)

女子職業:搖船的鄉下小姑娘 - women's profession: country girl rowing a boat

Painter/Photograph: 詹勵吾 Zhan Liwu (Photographer)

Subject matters: Landscape with figure,
Medium: Photograph-Monochrome

Function: Unrelated to Article/Ad

Keywords: profession/work, women, in the country,

女子職業:衣男裝之日本女子在油站任職女學生亦多作此種裝束 - Women's occupation: A Japanese woman in men's dress working at a gas station. Many women students also dress themselves like this.

Subject matters: Urban scene with figure,
Medium: Photograph-Monochrome

Function: Unrelated to Article/Ad

Keywords: fashion and beauty, profession/work, Japan, male, women, student,