一對小兄妹 - Little elder brother and younger sister
Painter/Photograph: 黃審知 Huang Shenzhi (Photographer)
Subject matters: Landscape with figure,
Medium: Photograph-Monochrome
Keywords: children,
黃審知 Huang Shenzhi (Donor)
小寶寶 (前湖北建設所長方達智之女公子) - A baby (the daughter of Fang Dazhi, the former chief of Hubei Construction Bureau)
Painter/Photograph: 漢口華新 Hankou Huaxin (Photographer)
Subject matters: Portrait-1-2 figures,
Medium: Photograph-Monochrome
方達智 Fang Dazhi (mentioned in caption)
漢口育賢學校教員之公子鵬飛 - Pengfei, the son of a teacher at Yuxian school in Hankou
Subject matters: Portrait-1-2 figures,
Medium: Photograph-Monochrome
漢口育賢學校 Hankou Yuxian xue xiao (mentioned in caption)
鵬飛 Pengfei (depicted on image, mentioned in caption)