Funü Shibao
No. 017 (01 November, 1915)
Page: 014 (132 total)

保定直隸女學校教員與師範生游蓮池書院雪中攝影/ 步以誠/ 步子芳/ 狄智君/ 步佩芬/ 朱芝英/ 狄秉君/ 鄭仲完/ 崔女士/ 步潤琴 - Teachers and students of the teaching program of Baoding Zhili school for girls, the photo was taken while they were visiting Lianchi College. Bu Yicheng/ Bu Zifang/ Di Zhijun/ Bu Peifen/ Zhu Zhiying/ Di Bingjun/ Zheng Zhongwan/ Ms. Cui/ Bu Runqin

Subject matters: Portrait-Group,