Funü Shibao
No. 009 (25 February, 1913)
Page: 131 (132 total)

大滌子山水冊 - Landscape album by Dadizi [Shi Tao]

Brand: 畫冊 - Art book
Notes: 大滌子=石濤

Category: Printed materials

時裝仕女新信箋 - New letter papers printed with images of new fashion

Brand: 信箋 - Letter paper
Category: Printed materials

顧西眉仕女人物六冊 - Six volumes of paintings of women bu Gu Ximei

Brand: 畫冊 - Art book
Category: Printed materials

顧西眉 Gu Ximei (Painter)

上海新髻式信箋 - New letter papers printed with images of new hair styles from Shanghai

Brand: 信箋 - Letter paper
Category: Printed materials

吳墨井畫王石谷小影留耕圖 - Copy of Wang Shigu's painting of a field by Wu Mojing

Brand: 畫冊 - Art book
Notes: 王翬(1632~1717),字石谷,号耕烟散人

Category: Printed materials

吳墨井 Wu Mojing (mentioned in caption)
王石谷 Wang Shigu (mentioned in caption)