No. 120 (15 November, 1933)
Page: 046 (64 total)

吳月娟女士為人簽名 - Ms. Wu Yuejuan is giving her autograph

女子體育界南北相對之兩顆紅星:(右)久負盛名之孫桂雲女士、(左)美人魚之楊秀瓊小姑娘 - Two stars of the women sports world, coming repectively from the north and the south: (right) Ms. Sun Guiyun who enjoys long her reputation, (left) the "mermaid" young girl Miss Yang Xiuqiong

河南女師體育指導祁雲琴女士 - The sports instructor of Henan women normal school Ms. Qi Yunqin