Funü Shibao
No. 006 (01 May, 1912)
Page: 023 (126 total)

清醒鏡 - Eye glasses

Subject matters: Product,

無師自通照相法/ 上海中西大藥房廣告 - Self-taught photography/ Shanghai Zhongxi pharmacy advertisement

Subject matters: Product,

準時計 - Pocket watches

Subject matters: Product,


無師自通照相法/ 上海中西大藥房廣告 - Self-taught photography/ Shanghai zhongxi pharmacy advertisement

Brand: 照相機 - Camera
Notes: Paragraphy listing the usages and benefits of the handheld camera

Category: Luxury goods

上海亨達利洋行準時計/ 清醒鏡 - Watches and eye glasses available at the Shanghai Hengdeli Company

Brand: 準時計 - Pocket watches
Notes: Paragraph listing the watches available at the Shanghai Hengdeli Company

Category: Luxury goods