Funü Shibao
No. 009 (25 February, 1913)
Page: 014 (132 total)

張園賽珍會場攝影/ 女子手工所前之遊客 - Photos taken at the product exposition at Zhangyuan / visitors in front of the women's crafts showcase

張園賽珍會場攝影/ 安凱第前之遊客及西裝之華女 - Photos taken at the product exposition at Zhangyuan / visitors in front of the Acadia Hall. Chinese women wearing western-style suits

張園賽珍會場攝影/ 賣物品之女郎 - Photos taken at the product exposition at Zhangyuan/ Sales girl

張園賽珍會場攝影/ 賣物品之女郎 - Photos taken at the product exposition at Zhangyuan / Sales girls