Funü zazhi
No. 010 (30 September, 1925)
Page: 009 (166 total)

上:像狗一般被牽着的,是一隻名叫約翰但尼耳第二的大猩猩,這時牠的主人干寧漢女士正在牽著牠到動物園去。 - Top: Just like a dog was holding on, it was a gorilla named John Dylan second, At that time, its owner, Ms. Gan Ninghan, was holding it to the zoo.

下:新發明的飲器。為防止狂飲而設,只能一口一口緩緩的呷下。 - ???Below: New invention drinking utensils, to prevent binge drinking, Only one by one slowly sip.