Funü Shibao
No. 017 (01 November, 1915)
Page: 008 (132 total)

嚴南璋君與朱淞筠女士新婚攝影/女士為內務總長朱啟鈐君之三女公子 - Wedding photo of Mr. Yan Nanzhang and Ms. Zhu Songjun/ The lady is the third daughter of Mr. Zhu Qiqian, cabinet minister of internal affairs

Subject matters: Portrait-1-2 figures,

嚴南璋君 Yan Nanzhang jun (depicted on image, mentioned in caption)
朱啟鈐 Zhu Qiqian (mentioned in caption)
朱淞筠女士 Zhu Songjun nüshi (depicted on image, mentioned in caption)