No. 109 (06 September, 1933)
Page: 002 (64 total)

戶內運動健將:湯美玉為香港梅芳中學籃球中堅份子該隊曾膺全港冠軍 - Indoor Athelets: Tang Meiyu is an important member of the basketball team at the Meifang School in Hong Kong which has won a champion in Hong Kong

Painter/Photograph: 中國攝影新聞社 Zhongguo she ying xin wen she (Photographer)

Subject matters: Landscape with figure,
Medium: Photograph-Monochrome

Function: Unrelated to Article/Ad

Keywords: sports, women,

湯美玉 Tang Meiyu (depicted on image, mentioned in caption)

戶內運動健將:香港東方乒乓健將兼網球好手之陳竹修女士玉照 - Indoor Athelets: a precious photo of Ms. Chen Zhuxiu, an eastern Ping Pang Ball athelete and a tennis player in Hong Kong

Painter/Photograph: 中國攝影新聞社 Zhongguo she ying xin wen she (Photographer)

Subject matters: Landscape with figure,
Medium: Photograph-Monochrome

Function: Unrelated to Article/Ad

Keywords: sports, women,

陳竹修 Chen Zhuxiu (mentioned in caption, mentioned in caption)