Funü zazhi
No. 001 (31 December, 1925)
Pages available: 1 - 317 (317 total)
婦女雜誌第十二卷第一號/ 美術專號 The Ladies Journal vol. 12 no. 1/ Special issue on art
各大雜誌 Famous journals of all types
各大雜誌 Famous journals of all types
教育玩具 Educational toys
教育玩具 Educational toys
婦女雜誌第十二卷第一號目次 Table of contents, volume 12, issue 1, Funu zazhi
婦女雜誌第十二卷第一號目次 Table of contents, volume 12, issue 1, Funu zazhi
婦女雜誌第十二卷第一號目次 Table of contents, volume 12, issue 1, Funu zazhi
婦女雜誌第十二卷第一號目次 Table of contents, volume 12, issue 1, Funu zazhi
婦女雜誌第十二卷第一號目次 Table of contents, volume 12, issue 1, Funu zazhi
婦女雜誌第十二卷第一號目次 Table of contents, volume 12, issue 1, Funu zazhi
民國十五年(第十三卷)學生雜誌 The fifteenth year of the Republic of China (issue 13) The Students Magazine
雪野猛虎 The wild tiger in the snow
淡墨山水 Mountains and water painted by light ink
月下蘆雁 Geese under the moon
淡墨風景 Scenery painted by light ink
八仙之二 Two of the eight immortals
金冬心書條幅 The calligraphy scroll by Jin Dongxin
西湖風景之一 (雷峰夕照) Leifeng tower in the sunset
杜就田畫摺扇 The hand fan painted by Du Jiutian
蘆雁 Geese
天女舞 Fairy dance
蝴蝶舞 Butterfly dance
梁松齋畫單條 The calligraphy scroll by Liang Songzhai
王椒畦畫屏幅 The ping fu painted by Wang Jiaoqi
古硯的拓本 Rubbings of antique ink slabs
顧二娘雕刻的硯 Ink slabs engraved by Gu Eryang
東方雜誌 The Eastern Miscellany
教育雜誌 Education Magazine
青年教育專號 Special issue on youth education
服用清導丸立愈閣下之傷風 Cold is immediately cured after taking qing dao balls
服用清導丸立愈閣下之傷風 Cold was immediately cured after taking qing dao balls
正在絕望之際 In a moment of despair
正在絕望之際 In a moment of despair
婦女雜誌第十二卷第一號/ 美術專號 The Ladies Journal vol. 12 no. 1/ Special issue on art
美術的起源和功能 The origins and functions of art
美術的起源和功能 The origins and functions of art
美術的起源和功能 The origins and functions of art
美術的起源和功能 The origins and functions of art
美術的起源和功能 The origins and functions of art
美術的起源和功能 The origins and functions of art
美術的起源和功能 The origins and functions of art
美術的起源和功能 The origins and functions of art
美術的起源和功能 The origins and functions of art
美術的起源和功能 The origins and functions of art
美術的起源和功能 The origins and functions of art
美術的起源和功能 The origins and functions of art
美術的起源和功能 The origins and functions of art
美術的起源和功能 The origins and functions of art
張繼英女士的肖像 The portrait of Mrs. Zhang Jiying
新聞學碩士張繼英女士肖像 The portrait of Mrs. Zhang Jiying
償其所失 The loss is compensated
償其所失 The loss is compensated
償其所失 The loss is compensated
旁氏白玉霜 Pond s vanishing cream
旁氏白玉霜 Pond s vanishing cream
旁氏白玉霜 Pond s vanishing cream
美術的範圍 The realm of art
美術的範圍 The realm of art
美術的範圍 The realm of art
美術的範圍 The realm of art
忠言 Earnest advice
美術家王瑞竹女士的略傳 A brief biography of artist Mrs. Wang Ruizhu
美術家王瑞竹女士的略傳 A brief biography of artist Mrs. Wang Ruizhu
美術家王瑞竹女士的略傳 A brief biography of artist Mrs. Wang Ruizhu
美術家王瑞竹女士的略傳 A brief biography of artist Mrs. Wang Ruizhu
美刺的漫畫 Caricatures on beauty
美刺的漫畫 Caricatures on beauty
布施血液 Donating blood for the rich and poor
美洲古代處女的美術 Arts created by ancient virgins in America
美洲古代處女的美術 Arts created by ancient virgins in America
美洲古代處女的美術 Arts created by ancient virgins in America
美洲古代處女的美術 Arts created by ancient virgins in America
美麗的天使 A beautiful angel
孩童之意旨最真 The true preference of children
孩童之意旨最真 The true preference of children
孩童之意旨最真 The true preference of children
贈送十日試用管請即填寄贈卷 Please fill out the coupon to receive a free ten-day sample
贈送十日試用管請即填寄贈卷 Please fill out the coupon to receive a free ten-day sample
贈送十日試用管請即填寄贈卷 Please fill out the coupon to receive a free ten-day sample
刺繡的秘訣 The secrets of embroidery
刺繡的秘訣 The secrets of embroidery
刺繡的秘訣 The secrets of embroidery
刺繡的秘訣 The secrets of embroidery
刺繡的秘訣 The secrets of embroidery
刺繡的秘訣 The secrets of embroidery
刺繡的秘訣 The secrets of embroidery
刺繡的秘訣 The secrets of embroidery
刺繡的秘訣 The secrets of embroidery
刺繡的秘訣 The secrets of embroidery
刺繡的秘訣 The secrets of embroidery
刺繡的秘訣 The secrets of embroidery
刺繡的秘訣 The secrets of embroidery
刺繡的秘訣 The secrets of embroidery
刺繡的秘訣 The secrets of embroidery
刺繡的秘訣 The secrets of embroidery
刺繡的秘訣 The secrets of embroidery
刺繡的秘訣 The secrets of embroidery
刺繡的秘訣 The secrets of embroidery
刺繡的秘訣 The secrets of embroidery
家庭經濟 Family economy
家庭經濟 Family economy
家庭經濟 Family economy
欲留紀念厥有柯達 Only Kodak can meet your need to commemorate memories
欲留紀念厥有柯達 Only Kodak can meet your need to commemorate memories
欲留紀念厥有柯達 Only Kodak can meet your need to commemorate memories
欲留紀念厥有柯達 Only Kodak can meet your need to commemorate memories
湘繡的發展 The development of Xiang embroidery
湘繡的發展 The development of Xiang embroidery
湘繡的發展 The development of Xiang embroidery
湘繡的發展 The development of Xiang embroidery
湘繡的發展 The development of Xiang embroidery
湘繡的發展 The development of Xiang embroidery
論畫八則 Discussion on the eight principles of drawing
論畫八則 Discussion on the eight principles of drawing
論畫八則 Discussion on the eight principles of drawing
陳圓圓遺容及其比丘像 The portraits of Chen Yuanyuan and Bi Qiu
陳圓圓遺容及其比丘像 The portraits of Chen Yuanyuan and Bi Qiu
著名的女畫家 Famous female painters
著名的女畫家 Famous female painters
著名的女畫家 Famous female painters
著名的女畫家 Famous female painters
母親我要「溫士羅夫人糖汁」解我肚痛 Mother I want Mrs. Winslow s syrup to relieve my stomach ache
母親我要「溫士羅夫人糖汁」解我肚痛 Mother I want Mrs. Winslow s syrup to relieve my stomach ache
母親我要「溫士羅夫人糖汁」解我肚痛 Mother I want Mrs. Winslow s syrup to relieve my stomach ache
天下馳名「盧普安女科丸」 World-famous ladies balls
天下馳名「盧普安女科丸」 World-famous ladies balls
平海氏胎產神水 Pinkham s vegetable compound
平海氏胎產神水 Pinkham s vegetable compound
平海氏胎產神水 Pinkham s vegetable compound
平海氏胎產神水 Pinkham s vegetable compound
油繪的大略 A general introduction to oil painting
油繪的大略 A general summary of oil painting
油繪的大略 A general summary of oil painting
油繪的大略 A general summary of oil painting
油繪的大略 A general introduction to oil painting
油繪的大略 A general summary of oil painting
油繪的大略 A general summary of oil painting
油繪的大略 A general summary of oil painting
油繪的大略 A general introduction to oil painting
油繪的大略 A general summary of oil painting
油繪的大略 A general summary of oil painting
油繪的大略 A general summary of oil painting
油繪的大略 A general introduction to oil painting
油繪的大略 A general summary of oil painting
油繪的大略 A general summary of oil painting
油繪的大略 A general summary of oil painting
油繪必須的色油 The oil colors needed for oil painting
油繪必須的色油 The oil colors needed for oil painting
油繪必須的色油 The oil colors needed for oil painting
油繪必須的色油 The oil colors needed for oil painting
畫室應有的條件 The required conditions for a studio
畫室應有的條件 The required conditions for a studio
畫室應有的條件 The required conditions for a studio
畫室應有的條件 The required conditions for a studio
宋教仁先生像 The portrait of Mr. Song Jiaoren
五洲美容霜 Ma Yonc vanishing cream
五洲美容霜 Ma Yonc vanishing cream