| 民立女中校花程靜芳女士 | Ms. Cheng Jingfang, Campus Queen of Minli Girls' School |
| 四位女同學 | Four Girl Students |
| 北平大學校花馬珏女士(下) 及女友合影 | Ms. Ma Yu (below), the Campus Queen of Beiping University, and Her Friend on This Picture |
| 婦女 | Women |
| 本期要目 | Important contents of this issue |
| 新女性的兩大訓練 | The Two Important Trainings for New Women |
| 新女性的兩大訓練 | The Two Important Trainings for New Women |
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| 獨自到影戲院的經驗 | An Experience of Going to the Cinema Alone |
| 獨自到影戲院的經驗 | An Experience of Going to the Cinema Alone |
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| 男子的照妖鏡 | Mirror of Men's Mind |
| 蘇俄的新舞蹈 | New Russian Dance |
| 蘇俄的新舞蹈 | New Russian Dance |
| 印度的童婚制度 | The India Convention of Marrying Children |
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| 戀愛戰術 (六) | Love Tactics (Six) |
| 戀愛戰術 (六) | Love Tactics (Six) |
| 女學生和女工 | Girl Students and Women Workers |
| 訓練 張英超作 | Training, by Zhang Yingchao |
| 山東四川的几位將領說 士兵們:--你們要像十九路軍一樣的忠勇呀! 朱夷白作 | Several Generals of Shangdong and Sichuan Province Say: Soldiers! You Shall Be as Loyal and Brave as the 19th Route Army! By Zhou Yibai. |
| 我們的"玲瓏漫畫"出版以來,備受讀者的愛護。 | Since the Publishing of our "Linglong Comics", It Has Been Appreciated and Supported by our Readers. |
| 我們的"玲瓏漫畫"出版以來,備受讀者的愛護。 | Since the Publishing of our "Linglong Comics", It Has Been Appreciated and Supported by our Readers. |
| 左圖為發表於字林西報之諷刺画其題曰"國亡無日矣" | The Left Picture is a Caricature Published on the Words Forest West News with the Title "The Downfall of the Nation Will be Soon" " |
| 殺人的科學救人的宗教 何煮石作 | Science Kills People and Religion Saves Them. By He Zhushi |
| 濁水育金魚 | Keeping Goldfish in Dirty Water |
| [......]理未喪失前 | |
| 動彈不得-張白鷺- | Trapped without Moving-Zhang Bailu- |
| 密切關係 張白鷺作 | A Intimate Relationship. By Zhang Bailu |
| 追逐的現在 想不到墮落的將來 與羣作 | Chasing the Present Moment and Ignoring the Curropt Future. By Yuqun. |
| 中山信徒 張百鷺作 | The Believer of Sun Yat-sen Doctrine. By Zhang Bailu. |
| 兒童樂園 | Amusement Park |
| 難為了阿羊 | It's a Tough Job for A Yang |
| 我每天必吃青菜鷄蛋或豆腐 | I eat vegetables, eggs or tofu everyday. |
| 我每天在一定時間大便一次 | I Empty My Bowels at a Certain Point of Time Every Day. |
| 我每天在一定時間大便一次 | I Empty My Bowels at a Certain Point of Time Every Day. |
| 玲瓏乒乓板 | The Linglong Ping Pong Paddle |
| 玲瓏乒乓板 | The Linglong Ping Pong Paddle |
| 玲瓏漫畫 | The Linglong Comics |
| 玲瓏信箱 | The Linglong Mailbox |
| 玲瓏信箱 | The Linglong Mailbox |
| 大家庭中妯娌的壓迫 | Opressions from Sisters-in-law |
| 大家庭中妯娌的壓迫 | Opressions from Sisters-in-law |
| 大家庭中妯娌的壓迫 | Opressions from Sisters-in-law |
| 常識 | Common Knowledge |
| 腿部的美化秘訣 | Tips for Leg Beauty |
| 愛護牙齒 | Dental Care |
| 大小月記憶法 | Tips for Remembering the Solar Months and Lunar Months |
| 中毒急救法 | Poisoning First Aid |
| 美容小常識 | Beauty Tips |
| 洗夾棉單衣法 | Tips for Washing |
| 法律顧問 | Legal Counsel |
| 橫遭蹂躪 | Being Raped |
| 主僕戀愛 | A Relationship between Master and Servant |
| 橫遭蹂躪 | Being Raped |
| 姊妹同夫 | Sisters Sharing a Husband |
| 女飛行家林鵬俠女士(中) 偕其女友左蘇祖琦女士。右黃淑貞女士合影。 | Woman Pilot Ms. Lin Pengxia (Middle), with a Girl Friend (Left) Ms. Su Zuqi, (Right) Ms. Huang Shuzhen. |
| 申桂仙女士近影 | A Recent Photo of Ms. Shen Guixian |
| 馬靜芳女士玉影 | A Precious Photo of Ms. Ma Jingfang. |
| 日本提倡軍事教育,女學生亦荷槍受軍事訓練 | Japan Advocates Military Education, Even Girl Students Hold Guns and Receive Military Training. |
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| 跑倦了,坐下來休息。下圖左趙啟良,中賴若蘭,右林聖觀。 | Being Tired after Running, They Sat down to Take a Rest. Below Left Zhao Qiliang, Middle Lai Ruola, Right Lin Shengguan. |
| 天真爛漫的姚愛娜女士 | The Innocent and Carefree Ms. Yao Aina |
| 兩位水上小朋友 | Two Children on Water |
| 聯華小明星黎鏗的軍裝 | Li Jian, the Small Star of Lianhua Company, Wearing Military Uniform |
| 拍攝一幕華麗的大舞場景時所用之最大攝影車,車上裝有攝影機,高下升降,可以自如,為好萊塢最新式之攝影機械。 | The Biggest Camera Truck Used for Shooting a Magnificent Scene of Dancing. Cameras are Installed on the Truck. It Can Be Adjusted up and down. It Is the Newest Camera in Hollywood. |
| 拍攝一幕華麗的大舞場景時所用之最大攝影車,車上裝有攝影機,高下升降,可以自如,為好萊塢最新式之攝影機械。 | The Biggest Camera Truck Used for Shooting a Magnificent Scene of Dancing. Cameras are Installed on the Truck. It Can Be Adjusted up and down. It Is the Newest Camera in Hollywood. |
| 拍片前準備燈光和配置收音器(麥克羅風) | Preparing the Light and Installing Sound Sensor (microphone) |
| 從開麥拉看見的明星在表演的情形,他頭上懸着的是收音器。 | Seeing the Show of Star through the Camera, over His Head is a Microphone. |
| 有聲片在攝製中的情形 | Shooting a Sound Film |
| 名導演威廉地密爾在導演的時候,他正用電話指揮各人員工作。 | The Famous Director William deMille zai dao yan de shi hou, ta zheng yong dian hua zhi hui ge ren yuan gong zuo |
| 有聲片收音技師工作情形 | A Technician of the Sound Film Working |
| 有聲片收音室管轄音調高低之總機關 | The Switch to the Volume in the Tracking Room for the Sound Film |
| 希佛萊和導演劉別謙拍片後休息 | Chevalier and Director Lubitsch are Resting after Film Shooting. |
| 西席第密爾在導演時的神氣 | Xixidimi'er While Directing |
| 在攝影機前表演的一班舞女 | A Group of Dancing Girl Performing in front of the Camera |
| 沒有化裝時卓別靈之真面目 | Charlie Chaplin's True Face without Make-up |
| 卡泰連那島為好萊塢之明星休暇之勝地 | The Santa Catalina Island is the Vacation Spot for Hollywood Stars. |
| 好萊塢電影城之一角,觸目皆攝影場也 | A Corner of the Hollywood Cinema City. There are Movie Studios Everywhere. |
| 強姦童養媳婦 | Man Accused of Raping his Daughter-in-law |
| 案件評述 | Comment on Law Cases |
| 新娘臨嫁失踪 | Bride Missing Shortly before Marriage |
| 兒童 | Children |
| 兒童 | Children |
| 兒童要什麼玩具 | What Kind of Toys do Children Want |
| 兒童要什麼玩具 | What Kind of Toys do Children Want |
| 世界收入最多的小孩 | The Child Who Earns the Highest Salary in the World |
| 電影空前明星影片大選舉 | A Big Election of Unrivaled Movie Stars and Films |
| 玲瓏圖畫雜誌 | Lin Loon Magazine, the Ladies' Journal |
| 電影城速寫 | Sketches of the Movie World |
| 電影城速寫 | Sketches of the Movie World |
| 廣告刊例 | Published examples of advertisement |
| 定報價目 | The subscription price |
| 逸園 | Leisure garden (Canidrome) |
| 逸園 | Leisure garden (Canidrome) |
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| 科學化的好萊塢 | Hollywod undergone Scientific Process |
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| 銀色底夢 | A Silver Dream |
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| 編輯者言 | Editor's note |
| 玫玲粉,婦女隱痛之救星 | Meiling powder - the savior of women from their secret pains |
| 假房子大批出售 | Fake Houses Sold in Great Quantities |
| 嘉寶到美國的前後 | As Greta Garbo Went to the US |
| 嘉寶到美國的前後 | As Greta Garbo Went to the US |
| 電影界短訊 | Short Messages from the Movie Circle |
| 走進了攝影場 | Walking into a Movie Studio |
| 佈景的藝術 | The Art of Making Film Set |
| 好萊塢影片公司多利用小模型拍戲,此為一間華麗的跳舞場的模型與女星美娜根耐娣之比較。 | Cinema Companies in Hollywood often Use Small Models to Shoot Films. This is a Juxtaposition of a Model of a Magnificant Ball Room and the Woman Star Meinagennaiti. |
| 派拉蒙女星美莉霍金絲近影 | A Recent Photo of a Woman Star Meilin Huojinsi of the Paramount Pictures Corporation |