| 婦女時報第十號 | Funü shibao Issue #10 |
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| 婦女時報第十期目錄 | Funü shibao issue no.10 table of contents |
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| 女界寶婦女界中之至寶也 | Nüjiebao - [it is] the most precious thing for women indeed |
| 女界寶 | Treasure [medicine] for women |
| 此婦於四十九歲時身甚軟弱憂鬱兼患心房疼痛之症直至五十五歲時因服威廉士大醫生紅色補丸而得全癒身享康健之樂 | When this woman was 49, she suffered from physical weakness, depression, and heartache. When she was 55, she took Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People and was able to rejoice in being completely healed and enjoying good health |
| 韋廉士大醫生紅色補丸 | Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People |
| [婦人] | [A woman] |
| 廣東全省第五次大運動會最優勝女醫學生程奕立女士 | The best athlete at the fifth Guangdong provincial atheletic meet, female medical student Ms. Cheng Yili. |
| 日本婦女之新裝束 | The new fashion styles of Japanese women |
| 前國務總理唐紹儀君與吳維女士結婚攝影 | Wedding photo of the former director of the national council Mr. Tang Shaoyi and Ms. Wu Wei |
| 顧維鈞君與唐紹儀君第五女公子唐寶玥女士結婚攝影 | Wedding photo of Mr. Gu Weijun and Ms. Tang Baoyue, the fifth daughter of Mr. Tang Shaoyi. |
| 陸軍砲兵少校趙鏡塵君與安徽女子師範畢業生楊怡真女士結婚攝影 | Wedding photo of Major Zhao Jingchen and Ms. Yang Yizhen, graduate of Anhui normal school for women |
| 音樂家湖南滕卓女士 | Musician Ms. Teng Zhuo of Hunan |
| 本報投稿記者楊雪瓊女士 | Contributing reporter of our magazine, Ms. Yang Xueqiong |
| 本報投稿記者汪傑樑女士 | Contributing reporter of our magazine, Ms. Wang Jieliang |
| 江君亢虎家庭攝影/長女兆菊君/ 江君亢虎/夫人劉謙社君/長子兆蕃君/次子兆革君/ 次女兆艾君 | Family photo of Mr. Jiang Kanghu/ eldest daughter Zhaojü/ Mr. Jiang Kanghu/ wife Ms. Liu Qianshe/ eldest son Zhaofan/ second son Zhaoge/ second daughter Zhaoai |
| 一初生洗浴時/ 二安臥床上時/ 三抱出至街上時(生後一月)/ 四向鄰家閒遊時/ 五與母同往禮拜時(生後二月)/ 六偶患濕疹時(生後七月)/ 七濕疹全癒時 (生後九月)/ 八始以一人出游時/ 九持玩具遊戲時/十﹐十一 生後一周期 | 1.bathing right after birth/ 2. Restfully sleeping on the bed/ 3. Being taken out (one month after birth)/ 4. Going to the neighour's/ 5. Going to church with mother (two months after birth)/ 6. Occassionally suffering from eczema (seven months after birth)/ 7. Recovered from eczema (nine months after birth)/ 8. Going out alone/ 9. Playing with toys/ 10,11. One year after birth |
| 一初生洗浴時/ 二安臥床上時/ 三抱出至街上時(生後一月)/ 四向鄰家閒遊時/ 五與母同往禮拜時(生後二月)/ 六偶患濕疹時(生後七月)/ 七濕疹全癒時 (生後九月)/ 八始以一人出游時/ 九持玩具遊戲時/十﹐十一 生後一周期 | 1.bathing right after birth/ 2. Restfully sleeping on the bed/ 3. Being taken out (one month after birth)/ 4. Going to the neighour's/ 5. Going to church with mother (two months after birth)/ 6. Occassionally suffering from eczema (seven months after birth)/ 7. Recovered from eczema (nine months after birth)/ 8. Going out alone/ 9. Playing with toys/ 10,11. One year after birth |
| 巴黎美術賽會之名畫近代八大家各攝一圖 下注西字為畫家姓名 | One painting by each of the eight famous artists at the Paris salon/ The western writing underneath are the names of the painters |
| 桂林張心潤邵陽尹蘊素文明結婚攝影 | Photo of the new-style wedding of Zhang Xinrun of Guilin and Yin Wensu of Shaoyang |
| 爪哇女子織席 | Javanese women weaving mats |
| 爪哇之乳婦 | A Javanese wet nurse |
| 萬里長城外之行旅/ 今夜不知何處宿/ 平沙萬里少人煙 | Travellers outside of the Great Wall / Don't know where to stay tonight/ People are rarely seen on enless miles of sand |
| 姚景蘇君肖影 | Photo of Yao Jingsu |
| 談社英君肖影 | Photo of Tan Sheying |
| 呂碧城女士背影 | Ms. Lü Bingcheng, photographed from the back |
| 楊季威君肖影 | Photo of Yang Jiwei |
| 張默君君肖影 | Photo of Zhang Mojun |
| 中將湯/ 果然應驗/ 第一品了 | The Chujoto Tsumura: [It] really works/ [It is a] first-rate product |
| 中將湯 / The Chujoto Tsumura | The Chujoto Tsumura |
| 本行縫衣機/與眾不能比/順倒皆可做/節時又省費 | The sewing machines of our company/ cannot be matched others/ it could work forward or backward / saving time and money |
| | [Woman sewing on a sewing machine] |
| 奉送育兒寶鑒廣告 | Advertisement for the free book on childcare |
| 固髓汁/ 血中血/ 益肺寶 | Medicine for bone/ Medicine for blood/ Medicine for lung |
| 現銀鉅價採辦精園饅園各種珍珠寶石貴重物品 | Cash for all kinds of precious stone, pearl, and luxury goods |
| 化學精研鹿頭牌牙粉 | Fine chemical formulation: deer brand tooth powder |
| 國民注意看看三星牌牙粉 | Attention fellow citizens! Look, [it is] Three star brand tooth powder |
| 鹿頭牌牙粉 | Deer brand tooth powder |
| 夏士蓮雪花 | Hazeline Snow |
| 夏士蓮雪花 | Hazeline Snow |
| 上海安衛生西法鑲牙所 | Shanghai A. Wilson Dentist (Using Western methods of dentistry) |
| 上海亨達利洋行 | Jewellery at Shanghai Hengdeli Company |
| | A. Wilson Dentist |
| | [pictures of jewelry] |
| 較此圖尚多一千倍之醫士﹐讚揚散拿吐瑾為極大生新力之補品 | More than a thousand doctors are praising the health benefits of Sanatogen powder |
| 散拿吐瑾 | Sanatogen |
| 較此圖尚多一千倍之醫士﹐讚揚散拿吐瑾為極大生新力之補品 | A thousand times more doctors than shown in this picture praise the health benefits of Sanatogen powder |
| 婦人與經濟 | Women and the economy |
| 婦人與經濟 | Women and the economy |
| 婦女實業宜速籌改良之方法論 | Methods for urgently reforming women's [occupations] |
| 婦人與經濟 | Women and the economy |
| 婦女實業宜速籌改良之方法論 | Methods for urgently reforming women's [occupations] |
| 婦女實業宜速籌改良之方法論 | Methods for urgently reforming women's [occupations] |
| 家庭衛生論 (一) | Family hygiene (1) |
| 婦女實業宜速籌改良之方法論 | Methods for urgently reforming women's [occupations] |
| 家庭衛生論 (一) | Family hygiene (1) |
| 家庭衛生論 (一) | Family hygiene (1) |
| 家庭衛生論 (一) | Family hygiene (1) |
| 家庭衛生論 (二) | Family hygiene (2) |
| 家庭衛生論 (一) | Family hygiene (1) |
| 家庭衛生論 (二) | Family hygiene (2) |
| 新大陸之紅粉英雄 | Heroines of the new continent [America] |
| 家庭衛生論 (二) | Family hygiene (2) |
| 新大陸之紅粉英雄 | Heroines of the new continent [America] |
| 新大陸之紅粉英雄 | Heroines of the new continent [America] |
| 新大陸之紅粉英雄 | Heroines of the new continent [America] |
| 新大陸之紅粉英雄 | Heroines of the new continent [America] |
| 呂四半月游記 | A fortnight visit to Lüsi |
| 呂四半月游記 | A fortnight visit to Lüsi |
| 呂四半月游記 | A fortnight visit to Lüsi |
| 呂四半月游記 | A fortnight visit to Lüsi |
| 呂四半月游記 | A fortnight visit to Lüsi |
| 論婦女衛生上必須之營業 | What is necessary to maintain women's hygiene |
| 呂四半月游記 | A fortnight visit to Lüsi |
| 論婦女衛生上必須之營業 | What is necessary to maintain women's hygiene |
| 論婦女衛生上必須之營業 | What is necessary to maintain women's hygiene |
| 論婦女衛生上必須之營業 | What is necessary to maintain women's hygiene |
| 論肥胖之病 | Obesity |
| 論肥胖之病 | Obesity |
| 歐羅巴小傳 | Biography of Europa |
| 論肥胖之病 | Obesity |
| 歐羅巴小傳 | Biography of Europa |
| 歐羅巴小傳 | Biography of Europa |
| 歐羅巴小傳 | Biography of Europa |
| | [Anne-JosèpheThéroigne de Méricourt] |
| 法蘭西革命女傑特瑪瑟爾珊露納梅麗高 | Heroine of the French revolution, Anne-JosèpheThéroigne de Méricourt |
| 歐羅巴小傳 | Biography of Europa |
| 法蘭西革命女傑特瑪瑟爾珊露納梅麗高 | Heroine of the French revolution, Anne-JosèpheThéroigne de Méricourt |
| 法蘭西革命女傑特瑪瑟爾珊露納梅麗高 | Heroine of the French revolution, Anne-JosèpheThéroigne de Méricourt |
| 法蘭西革命女傑特瑪瑟爾珊露納梅麗高 | Heroine of the French revolution, Anne-JosèpheThéroigne de Méricourt |
| 法蘭西革命女傑特瑪瑟爾珊露納梅麗高 | Heroine of the French revolution, Anne-JosèpheThéroigne de Méricourt |
| 法蘭西革命女傑特瑪瑟爾珊露納梅麗高 | Heroine of the French revolution, Anne-JosèpheThéroigne de Méricourt |
| 閨秀叢話 | Stories of gentry women |
| 閨秀叢話 | Stories of gentry women |
| 閨秀叢話 | Stories of gentry women |
| 閨秀叢話 | Stories of gentry women |
| 閨秀叢話 | Stories of gentry women |
| 閨秀叢話 | Stories of gentry women |
| 閨秀叢話 | Stories of gentry women |
| 閨秀叢話 | Stories of gentry women |
| 閨秀叢話 | Stories of gentry women |
| 閨秀叢話 | Stories of gentry women |
| 閨秀叢話 | Stories of gentry women |
| 閨秀叢話 | Stories of gentry women |
| 閨秀叢話 | Stories of gentry women |
| 綠窗瓊琚集 | [Letter] collection of the jades of green window [school] |
| 閨秀叢話 | Stories of gentry women |
| 綠窗瓊琚集 | [Letter] collection of the jades of green window [school] |
| 綠窗瓊琚集 | [Letter] collection of the jades of green window [school] |
| 綠窗瓊琚集 | [Letter] collection of the jades of green window [school] |
| 綠窗瓊琚集 | [Letter] collection of the jades of green window [school] |
| 綠窗瓊琚集 | [Letter] collection of the jades of green window [school] |
| 綠窗瓊琚集 | [Letter] collection of the jades of green window [school] |
| 北京女子師範學校最近大風潮聞見記 | Accounts of the recent unrest at the Beijing Normal University for Women |
| 綠窗瓊琚集 | [Letter] collection of the jades of green window [school] |
| 北京女子師範學校最近大風潮聞見記 | Accounts of the recent unrest at the Beijing Normal University for Women |
| 北京女子師範學校最近大風潮聞見記 | Accounts of the recent unrest at the Beijing Normal University for Women |
| 北京女子師範學校最近大風潮聞見記 | Accounts of the recent unrest at the Beijing Normal University for Women |
| 北京女子師範學校最近大風潮聞見記 | Accounts of the recent unrest at the Beijing Normal University for Women |
| 北京女子師範學校最近大風潮聞見記 | Accounts of the recent unrest at the Beijing Normal University for Women |
| 北京女子師範學校最近大風潮聞見記 | Accounts of the recent unrest at the Beijing Normal University for Women |
| 胭脂血 | The blood of rouge |
| 胭脂血 | The blood of rouge |
| 胭脂血 | The blood of rouge |
| 胭脂血 | The blood of rouge |
| 胭脂血 | The blood of rouge |
| 胭脂血 | The blood of rouge |
| 豪傑之老婦 | The gallant old woman |
| 胭脂血 | The blood of rouge |
| 豪傑之老婦 | The gallant old woman |
| 豪傑之老婦 | The gallant old woman |
| 豪傑之老婦 | The gallant old woman |
| | [sewing patterns] |
| 裁縫科講義 | Tailoring instructions |
| 豪傑之老婦 | The gallant old woman |
| | [sewing patterns] |
| 裁縫科講義 | Tailoring instructions |
| | [sewing patterns] |
| 裁縫科講義 | Tailoring instructions |
| | [sewing patterns] |
| 裁縫科講義 | Tailoring instructions |
| | [sewing patterns] |
| 裁縫科講義 | Tailoring instructions |
| 美國離婚譚 | Divorce in America |
| 裁縫科講義 | Tailoring instructions |
| 論普及教育 | Universal education |
| 美國離婚譚 | Divorce in America |
| 論普及教育 | Universal education |
| 關於女子之農業 | About women and agriculture |
| 有正書局各種美術圖畫價目 | Pricelist of art books and prints published by Youzheng Bookstore |
| 吊康女士時安 | Lament for Ms. Kang Shian |
| 論女子教育 | Women's education |
| 有正書局精印各種圖畫價目 | Pricelist of high quality art books and prints published by Youzheng Bookstore |
| 有正書局精印美術圖畫價目 | Pricelist of high quality art books and prints published by Youzheng Bookstore |
| 有正書局精印美術圖畫價目 | Pricelist of high quality art books and prints published by Youzheng Bookstore |
| 有正書局精印各種美術圖畫楹聯目錄 | Catalogue of high quality prints of painting and calligraphy published by Youzheng Bookstore |
| 有正書局各種美術畫圖目錄 | Catalogue of art prints published by Youzheng Bookstore |
| 艷籢花影 | Photographs of beautiful courtesans [dressing cases from the flower world] |
| 秋波小影冊子 | Album of photographs of lovers |
| 全國學堂影相 | Photographs of schools from across China |
| 海上驚鴻影 | Photographs of [graces of Shanghai] |
| 有正書局發行各種碑帖墨跡價目 | Pricelist of ink rubbings and calligraphy published by Youzheng Bookstore |
| 有正書局發行各種碑帖價目 | Pricelist of ink rubbings published by Youzheng Bookstore |
| 有正書局發行各種墨跡價目 | Pricelist of ink rubbings published by Youzheng Bookstore |
| 有正書局發行各種書籍價目 | Pricelist of books published by Youzheng Bookstore |
| 有正書局各種書籍發行 | Books published by Youzheng Bookstore |
| 有正書局各種發行書籍 | Books published by Youzheng Bookstore |
| 平等閣詩話一二卷合本 | Notes on poetry from the Pingdeng studio, bound edition of volumes 1 and 2 |
| 咳嗽何以若是之危險 | Why coughing could be a dangerous symptom |
| 上海麥鴻圖君 | Mr. Mai Hongtu from Shanghai |
| 腰背痛風濕臌脹便濁皆腎弱所致尿酸為患故也 | Backache, arthritis, tympanites and cloudy urine are all caused by a weak kidney and uric acid |
| 兜安氏秘製保腎丸 | Doans Backache Kidney Pills |