No. 121 (22 November, 1933)
Pages available: 1 - 64 (64 total)
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上海女中王崇慧女士 Ms. Wang Conghui from Shanghai Girls´ High School
玲瓏婦女圖畫雜誌 Lin Loon Ladies' Magazine
本期要目 Important contents of this issue
慈幼會救濟雛妓辦法 The Child Welfare Association: Methods of relieving children prostitutes
慈幼會救濟雛妓辦法 The Child Welfare Association: Methods of relieving children prostitutes
一位女招待的生活 The life of a waitress
一位女招待的生活 The life of a waitress
美國白黑紅種人之結婚 The marriage of the white, black and red people in America
美國白黑紅種人之結婚 The marriage of the white, black and red people in America
本刊徵求愛讀玲瓏的姊妹們照片,歡迎投登,刊出後酌酬本刊。 Our magazine welcomes pictures of our dear female readers. Submission is welcome. A certain amount of reward will be given once they are published.
日本婦女職業界近狀 The recent situation of Japanese women´s occupation
日本婦女職業界近狀 The recent situation of Japanese women´s occupation
定戶注意 Announcement to Subscribers
西北蒙番人之婚俗 Marriage customs of the northwest Mengfan/Mofan? people
西北蒙番人之婚俗 Marriage customs of the northwest Mengfan/Mofan? people
結婚戒指的歷史與傳說 (下) The history and legends of marriage ring (Part 2)
結婚戒指的歷史與傳說 (下) The history and legends of marriage ring (Part 2)
結婚戒指的歷史與傳說 (下) The history and legends of marriage ring (Part 2)
玲瓏信箱 The Linglong Mailbox
玲瓏信箱 The Linglong Mailbox
父親強迫出嫁 Being forced to get married by father
父親強迫出嫁 Being forced to get married by father
不許與未婚夫通信 Letters with fiance forbidden
散課一瞥:下課了,回家去吧! A glance after school: Class over, go home!
網球名手王大樂開球之姿勢,鍛鍊身體以備將來為社會服務 The serving posture of the famous tennis player Wang Dale. Getting exercise to be prepared to serve the society
上海之白色妓奴(下) The white slave prostitute in Shanghai (Part 2)
上海之白色妓奴(下) The white slave prostitute in Shanghai (Part 2)
婦女日報 Women's Daily.
上海之白色妓奴(下) The white slave prostitute in Shanghai (Part 2)
常識 Common Knowledge
肺癆療治常識 Commen knowledge of treating tuberculosis
肺癆療治常識 Commen knowledge of treating tuberculosis
地板光潔法 Methods of making the floor clean
陳友仁的善舞女兒 The daughter good at dancing of Chen Youren
法律顧問 Legal Counsel
法律顧問 Legal Counsel
法律顧問:寡婦出走 Legal Counsel: Widow's leaving
法律顧問:寡婦出走 Legal Counsel: Widow's leaving
法律顧問:妻子出走 Legal Counsel: Wife's leaving
廣告刊例 Published examples of advertisement
定報價目 The subscription price
廣州名體育家(右)馬慶新女士,(左) 鮑以徽女士 Famous athletes from Guangzhou (ringt) Ms. Ma Qingxin (left) Ms. Bao Yihui
女宿舍前之女學生 Women students in front of the dormitory
陳慶鳳女士為體育界之明星 Chen Qingfeng is the star in sports
虹口婦女補習學校教職員孫寶瑛女士 Ms. Sun Baoying: Teacher of Hongkou Women´s Tutorial School
玲瓏活潑的陳妙玲女士 The dainty and lively Ms. Chen Miaoling
虹口婦女補習學校教職員孫寶瑛女士 Ms. Sun Baoying: Teacher of Hongkou Women´s Tutorial School
坐在庭前之鄭瑞琼女士 Ms. Zheng Ruiqiong sitting in front of the courtyard
(左) 容秀嫻女士 (右)江文英女士 均香港名教育家 (left) Ms. Rong Xiuxian (right) Ms. Jiang Wenying are both famous educators
香港聖保羅女校幾位女同學 Several women students from Hong Kong St Paul's Women´s School
黎明暉女士 Ms. Li Minghui
聯華女星黎莉莉女士 The star of Lianhua Ms. Li LIli
(下圖)徐來女士與顧家姊妹:右顧蘭君左顧梅君。 (picture below) Ms. Xu Lai and the Gu‘s Sisters: right Gu Lanjun, left Gu Meijun.
陳燕燕在「暴雨梨花」中之一幕 One scene of Chen Yeye in ''Pear Flowers In The Storm''
葉秋心在「青春之火」一片中之表情 The expression of Ye Qiuxin in the film 'The Flame of Youth''
【......】比賽冠軍之呂翠英女士 The champion of 【......】contest Ms. Lu Cuiying
玲瓏婦女圖畫雜誌 Lin Loon Ladies' Magazine
無母之兒 Child without mother
無母之兒 Child without mother
無母之兒 Child without mother
儂特麗唇脂 Lenthéric Lipstick
儂特麗唇脂 Lenthéric Lipstick
儂特麗唇脂 Lenthéric Lipstick
儂特麗唇脂 Lenthéric Lipstick
出賣老婆(上) A Sale (1)
出賣老婆(上) A Sale (1)
出賣老婆(上) A Sale (1)
出賣老婆(上) A Sale (1)
客堂:十足立體感的幾樣東西,用著現代繪畫的構圖般的陳設者。 Living room: several quite stereoscopic things, displayed like with the composition of the modern painting
談話室: 蛋圓形的台子 Chatting room: egg-round table
餐室:一個半月形的台子,?燒著一個立體感十分充分的?椅,台上列著酒樽和刀叉,?自然是在等待嘉賓來共飲的。 Dining room: a half-moon shaped table, ? a quite steroscopic ? chair, on the table there are wineglasses and knives and forks, ? is/are prepared for the guests to enjoy together
理想夫婿 The ideal husband
早婚的結果 The consequence of the early marriage
案件評述 Comment on Law Cases
早婚的結果 The consequence of the early marriage
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
最新柯達八米厘家庭電影鏡箱 The newest Kodak 8mm family movie-projector
最新柯達八米厘家庭電影鏡箱 The newest Kodak 8mm family movie-projector
婦女消息 Women's News
婦女消息 Women's News
本刊投稿簡章 Information on Submission of Works to our Magazine
兒童 Children
兒童 Children
對孩子的暗示 Implications to children
兩週間中外新片等級 Ratings of the domestic and foreign films of these two weeks
兩週間中外新片等級 Ratings of the domestic and foreign films of these two weeks
戴菊絲不敢回德國 Daijusi dares not go back to Germany
想入非非的問題 The absurd strange questions
美美公司自製服裝:禮服、大衣、便裝 Clothes made by the Meimei Company: Formal dresses, Coats, Casual clothes
想入非非的問題 The absurd strange questions
美美公司自製皮夾 Wallet made by the Meimei Company
金燄與野貓之婚事 The marriage between Jin Yan and wild cat?/Yemao
國片界花絮 Titbits of the domestic movie world
國片界花絮 Titbits of the domestic movie world
你曉得這些嗎? Do you know these?
幕味 Movies
武俠神怪片復活? The legendary wuxia and genie movies has revived?
粵劇明星蘇蕙英女士 Cantonese opera star Ms. Su Huiying
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