No. 117 (25 October, 1933)
Pages available: 1 - 64 (64 total)
(上圖)獲得錦標之上海隊員發球之姿勢 (Above) the posture to serve of the Shanghai team who wins the championship
(左圖)上海隊與廣東隊籃球決賽在籃下最緊張之情形 (Left) the most tense situation under basket in the final basketball game between Shanghai and Guangdong team
右圖為女子擲槍之姿式 the right picture is the posture of female javelin throw
女士之笑容 smile of women
錢行素得全運女子總分第一 Qian Xingsu gets first place of female scores in National Games
廣東代表團以錢行素 Guangdong delegation chooses Qian Xingsu
玲瓏婦女圖畫雜誌 Lin Loon Ladies' Magazine
本期要目 Important contents of this issue
全運會與我國女子之將來 National Games and the future of Chinese Women
全運會與我國女子之將來 National Games and the future of Chinese Women
特刊前言 preface of the special issue
全運會與我國女子之將來 National Games and the future of Chinese Women
特刊前言 preface of the special issue
全運女子各錦標詳記(附表) detailed records of each female championship in National Games (with tables)
全運女子各錦標詳記(附表) detailed records of each female championship in National Games (with tables)
全運女子各錦標詳記(附表) detailed records of each female championship in National Games (with tables)
全運女子各錦標詳記(附表) detailed records of each female championship in National Games (with tables)
全運女子各錦標詳記(附表) detailed records of each female championship in National Games (with tables)
大會花絮(一) highlights of the games (1)
大會花絮(一) highlights of the games (1)
大會花絮(一) highlights of the games (1)
全國運動會女子田徑賽總成績 the total score of female track and field in the National Games
全運女田徑論英雄:錢行素馬驥李媛芬張潔瓊 women athletics heroes in National Games: Qian Xingsu, Ma Ji, Li Yuanfen, Zhang Jieqong
全運女田徑論英雄:錢行素馬驥李媛芬張潔瓊 women athletics heroes in National Games: Qian Xingsu, Ma Ji, Li Yuanfen, Zhang Jieqong
全運女田徑論英雄:錢行素馬驥李媛芬張潔瓊 women athletics heroes in National Games: Qian Xingsu, Ma Ji, Li Yuanfen, Zhang Jieqong
全運女田徑論英雄:錢行素馬驥李媛芬張潔瓊 women athletics heroes in National Games: Qian Xingsu, Ma Ji, Li Yuanfen, Zhang Jieqong
大會花絮(二) highlights of the games (2)
女子跳高第一名鄒善德女士其成績為一米二八 female high jump No. 1 Ms. Zou Shande has the score of 1.28 meter
女子跳高之姿勢 posture of female high jump
廣東兩星打破紀錄:女子跳遠以四米七九五破全國紀錄之李媛芬女士 two stars from Guangdong break the record: Ms. Li Shufen breaks the national record with 4.795 meters in female long jump
廣東兩星打破紀錄:女擲壘球第一名之廣東小姐顏秀容女士以四五米三五破全國紀錄 two stars from Guangdong break the record: champion in female softball throw Ms. Yan Xiurong from Guangdong breaks the national record with 45.35 meters
全運各單位女選手之小分析 small analysis of each units of female athletes in National Games
全運各單位女選手之小分析 small analysis of each units of female athletes in National Games
十九年(杭州)全運女子結果 female results of 19 years in National Games (Hangzhou)
水陸女將素描 Sketch of female athletes on land and in water
談談女子游泳比賽 talking about female swimming competition
談談女子游泳比賽 talking about female swimming competition
女子游泳各項成績表 table of results in female swimming
本報十週紀念大貢獻 The Tenth Anniversary of our Journal[Pictorial Weekly]
大會花絮(三) highlights of the games (3)
大會花絮(三) highlights of the games (3)
定報價目 The subscription price
廣告刊例 Published examples of advertisement
田賽健將:女子擲鐵餅冠軍馬驥女士之笑容 Field events athlete: smile of female discus throw champion Ms. Ma Ji
田賽健將: 女子擲鐵球第一名馬驥女士以十米三五破全國紀錄,圖為馬驥女擲球之姿勢 Field events athlete: female discus throw champion Ms. Ma Ji breaks the national record with 10.35 meters. The picture shows the posture of Ms. Ma Ji in throwing
田徑均創全國紀錄:女子二百米錢行素女士以二十七秒六破全國紀錄。下圖係競賽情形。 track and field events have both reached a national record: Miss Qian Xingsu broke the national record with 27.6 seconds in women two hundred meters . The following illustration is the race situation.
田徑均創全國紀錄:女子五十米以六秒九破全國紀錄之張潔瓊女士 track and field events have both reached a national record: Ms. Zhang Jieqiong broke the national record in female 50 meters with 6.9 seconds
錢行素女士一百米以十三秒五破全國紀錄圖為達終點時之一刹那 Ms. Qian Xingsu broke the national record of 100 meters with 13.5 seconds. The picture shows the moment when she arrived the end
??破線之一瞥 ??glimpse of reaching the line
女子國術表演 women perform martial arts
壘球之姿式 the posture of playing softball
壘球賽廣東隊員奪壘之情形 the situation when Guangdong team won the softball game
上海福建女籃球隊賽情形 the situation of the basketball game between Shanghai and Fujian
壘球賽廣東隊員奪壘之情形 the situation when Guangdong team won the softball game
女子低攔決賽之途中:右面四一二號山東于秀蘭決賽獲第二名 on the way of female low hurdles final: No. 412 on the right, Yu Xiulan from Shandong won the second place in the final
獲得全運會女子籃球錦標之上海女子籃球隊全體隊員合影決賽以三五對二九戰勝廣東 winning the female basketball championship of the National Games, a group photo of all members of Shanghai female basketball team, they won the Guangdong team with 35 to 29 in the final.
女子籃球比賽大活躍之一幕 a very active scene of female basketball game
上海女子排隊球獲得錦標決賽時以三對一勝北平 Shanghai female volleyball team wins the championship, they wins Beijing with three to one in the final
排球比賽攻守之飛躍 a leap in the batting and fielding of a volleyball match
四百米接力賽跳冠軍之上海隊:四百米接力賽之途中注意最後二九六號之李宣南 Four hundred meters relay and jump champion team Shanghai:
四百米接力賽跳冠軍之上海隊:陳淑卿,李寶蕙,李宜南,錢行索以五四秒五分三破全國紀錄 Four hundred meters relay and jump champion team Shanghai: Chen Shuqing, Li Baohui, Li Yinan and Qian Xingsu broke the national record with 54.53 seconds
玲瓏婦女圖畫雜誌 Lin Loon Ladies' Magazine
本刊投稿簡章 Information on Submission of Works to our Magazine
全運女選手精神 spirits of female athletes in National Games
全運女選手精神 spirits of female athletes in National Games
第十屆遠東我國女子田徑游泳理想隊 Tenth chinese dream team in female athletic and swimming of far east
西裝研究 suit study
西裝研究 Studying Suits
第十屆遠東我國女子田徑游泳理想隊 Tenth chinese dream team in female athletic and swimming of far east
男子各項錦標結果(附錄一) results of each male championship (appendix 1)
山西女子網球隊合體合影 group photo of Shanxi female tennis team
(下圖)獲得本屆全運網球錦標之山西女子網球隊隊員王春菁回球之姿勢 (Below)the posture to strike the ball back of Wang Chunjing, the member of Shanxi female tennis team who wins the championship of female tennis in the National Games
疊球錦標 (二圖) softball championship (two pictures)
男子全能新紀錄 all-around new record of men
男子打破紀錄之項目(附錄二) male record breaking project (appendix 2)
田徑女健將錢行素 Female athletic Qian Xingsu
育兒應注意的幾點 Several points to be noticed by child rearing
育兒應注意的幾點 Several points to be noticed by child rearing
兒童 Children
兒童 Children
全運破紀錄女選手由本刊一律贈閱玲瓏雜誌 record-breaking female athletes in National Games will all get Lionglong Magazine from us
儂特麗唇脂 Lenthéric Lip Stick
儂特麗唇脂 Lenthéric Lip Stick
儂特麗唇脂 Lentheric
儂特麗唇脂 Lenthéric Lipstick
鑰匙(上) The key
美美公司自製服裝:禮服、大衣、便裝 Clothes manufactured by the Meimei Company: Formal Clothes, Coat, Casual Wear.
鑰匙(上) The key
美美公司自製皮夾 Wallet Produced by the Meimei Company
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
鑰匙(上) The key
兩週間中外新片等級 ratings of the domestic and foreign films of these two weeks
兩週間中外新片等級 ranking of chinese and foreign films in two weeks
中國攝影界空前鉅著:現代攝影術 An unprecedented Book from the Chinese Photography Field: Modern Photography
好萊塢花絮 Titbits of Hollywood
參觀全運會黎莉莉蒙不白之冤 Li Lili suffers injustice while visiting the National Games
全運會之副收穫拍了許多新聞片 Deputy harvest of the National Games, having taken a lot of newsreel
幕味 movies
游泳選手楊秀瓊女士 Swimmer Ms. Yang Xiuqiong
包辦游泳女錦標之楊秀瓊女士 Ms. Yang Xiuqiong who undertook all female swimming championship
女子游泳比賽五十米入水之姿式 postures into the water of fifty meters in female swimming competitions
獲得女子總錦標之上海全體運動員 all athletes of Shanghai who won the female championship
奪得女子游泳錦標之香港游泳四傑 the four Hongkong outstanding swimmers who won the female swimming championship