No. 080 (28 December, 1932)
Pages available: 1 - 52 (52 total)
封面: 林碧英女士近影 cover: a recent photo of Ms. Lin Biying.
在公園中的小木橋上 on the small wooden bridge in the park
婦女 Women
本期要目 Important contents of this issue
國難其中姊妹們的三大訓練 three big trainings for our sisters as our nation is facing difficulties
國難其中姊妹們的三大訓練 three big trainings for our sisters as our nation is facing difficulties
吻的藝術 the art of kissing
吻的藝術 the art of kissing
摩登妻子的責任 responsibilities of a modern wife
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婆媳不睦的生理原因 physical reasons that cause problems between mothers and daughter-in-laws
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三個月結交男子的經驗 a three-month experience of befriending a man
三個月結交男子的經驗 a three-month experience of befriending a man
美國大選與婦女 the American Presidental Election and Women
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結婚前所應知的幾點 (四)-結婚衛生- several tips to know before marriage (four)
玲瓏彙刊 Linglong Collections
玲瓏雜誌啟事 An Announcement of the Linglong Magazine
明星的寢室 Bedroom of a star
靠山 supporter
女子的年齡 the age of women
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少奶奶的窘 the embarrasement of a young lady
異國情調 exoticism
解決苦悶環境,增進快樂生活 to solve the bitter environment, promote happy life.
玲瓏信箱 the Linglong mailbox
愛一位有了妻子的男友 falling in love with a married man
愛一位有了妻子的男友 falling in love with a married man
愛一位有了妻子的男友 falling in love with a married man
常識 Common Knowledge
講話的常識種種 common knowledge about talking
吸香煙之害 the disadvantages of smoking
寫情書又一祕訣 another tip for writing a love letter
除紅色法 how to remove the red stains from fingers
患凍瘡須知 how to heal frost-bites
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養金魚的方法 ways to keep goldfish
法律顧問 Legal Counsel
離婚無效 invalid divorce
未婚同居 cohabition without marriage
周蓮君女士近影 a recent photo of Ms. Zhou Lianjun
晏摩士女校胡素銘女士近影 a recent photo of Ms. Hu Suming from the Yanmoshi Girl's School
麥倫書院嚴葵烈女士的近影 a recent photo of Ms. Yan Kuilie from the Mailun Academy
殷秀珍女士玉照 a precious photo of Ms. Yin Xiuzhen
獨留在教室裏的陳女士 Ms. Chen who stayed alone in the classroom
靜坐觀書的李耀珍女士 Ms. Li Yaozhen who sits reading
上海美專周倩雲女士 Ms. Zhou Qianyun from the Shanghai Academy
德國女子在歐洲以最健美著稱 German women are famous for their healthy beauty in Europe
德國女子在歐洲以最健美著稱 German women are famous for their healthy beauty in Europe
明月歌劇社的黎莉莉和王人美 Li Lili and Wang Renmei from the Light Moon Opera Club
一九三二年羣[......]艷舞的一幕 a scene of sensuous dance in 1932
好萊塢女星之化妝遊行 masquerade of Hollywood women stars
為藝術犧牲的馮柳青女士遠影 a picture of Ms. Feng Liuqing who sacrificed for art
小女伶哀美雲近影 a recent photo of little actress Ai Meiyun
雪爾維亞雪尼之沈思表情 the meditating expression of Sylvia Sidney
瓊柏郎黛之美麗姿容為好萊塢所著稱 Joan Blondell's beauty is famous in Hollywood
姊妹們!你們要做最新裝嗎?請到老九綸綢緞局去! Sister! You Want to Oder New Clothes? Please go to Laojiulun Silks and Satins!
發育不全臨婚自殺 suicide before marriage because of sexual dysfunction
發育不全臨婚自殺 suicide before marriage because of sexual dysfunction
案件評述 Comment on Law Cases
城市和鄉村孩子之區別 the difference between children in the cities and in the country
兒童和動物虐待 children and animal abuse
兒童和動物虐待 children and animal abuse
兒童 Children
兒童 Children
請閱全國唯一圖畫週刊 攝影畫報 please read the only picture weekly in our country, Sheying Huabao
玲瓏圖畫雜誌 Lin Loon Magazine, the Ladies' Journal
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編輯者言 Editor's note
定報價目 The subscription price
廣告刊例 Published examples of advertisement
唐玄宗的悲哀 the sorrow of Tang Xuan zong
唐玄宗的悲哀 the sorrow of Tang Xuan zong
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逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
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電影明星的生活 the life of movie stars
蔲丹 Cutex
蔲丹 Cutex
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銀幕的聲影 voices and images from the screen
神秘女郎妙計退敵 a mysterious woman repelled her enemy with intelligence
卓別麟製造輿論 Charlie Chaplin produces gossips on himself
怎樣拍一張好片 how to shoot a good film
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好萊塢花絮錄 Titbits of Hollywood
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幕"MOVIES"味 Movies
國產電影界巡禮 on films of national production
一羣健美的女星在玩着疊羅漢的把戲 a group of healthy and beautiful women stars are forming a human pyramid
"紅塵"一片中之瓊哈羅及克拉蓋布爾 Jean Harlow and Clark Gable in the film "Red Dust"
瑙瑪希拉的一張美麗的小影 a beautiful photo of Norma Shearer