No. 061 (03 August, 1932)
Pages available: 1 - 48 (48 total)
封面: 游泳池畔 The cover page: beside a swimming pool
愛讀本刊的侯美倫女士玉影 Precious photo of Ms Hou Meilun who loves reading our magazine
婦女 Women
[獻給已婚的姊妹] To the married sisters
[獻給已婚的姊妹] To the married sisters
[獻給已婚的姊妹] To the married sisters
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男子底蠻性遺留 The remains of the barbaric habits of men
處女的觀念 The idea about virgin
搶親的惡俗 The bad custom of taking a woman for marriage by force
女子真不能守秘密嗎? Are women really not able to keep a secret?
女子真不能守秘密嗎? Are women really not able to keep a secret?
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幾種不同的男子 Different kinds of men
幾種不同的男子 Different kinds of men
美貌是否為女子第一要件 Is beauty the most important thing for women?
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女子能力偉大的代表者 The great representative of women's capability
亞特奴露 Odo-Ro-No
亞特奴露 Odo-Ro-No
亞特奴露 Odo-Ro-No
如何解決 How to solve this
特別的夫婦關係 A couple's special relationship
特別的夫婦關係 A couple's special relationship
那一件比較重要 求學或是結婚 Which one is more important, study or marriage?
利華皂粉 Lux soap powder
利華皂粉 Lux soap powder
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常識 Common knowledge
幾種疾病防治法 The prevention and control of several kinds of diseases
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夏日衛生須知 What one needs to know about the hygiene in summer
驅除蒼蠅法 How to get rid of flies
法律顧問 Legal Counsel
拒付利息 To refuse to pay interest
虐待妻子 The abuse of one's wife
壻代子職 The son-in-law takes the responsibility of a son
解除婚約的問題 The problem of breaking off an engagement
失戀自殺 Suicide because of being crossed in love
學校消息 別矣吾后 School news, goodbye my queen
微笑 (郵政匯業局職員王韻秋女士) Smile (Ms Wang Yunqiu, the office worker at the Post and Telegraph Office)
時裝表演會在進行中 A fashion show in progress
會場中之觀眾 Audience at the meeting place
會場中之觀眾 Audience at the meeting place
表演後留影 Having a picture taken as a souvenir after the show
來賓踴躍入場 Guests entering the meeting place eagerly
少女夏裝 Summer dress for young girl
少女夏裝 Summer dress for young girl
睡衣之 (二) Pajama (two)
一對畢業生 A pair of graduates
回顧 Retrospection
立在吳淞炮台殘跡上的洪秦兩小姐及女友 Miss Hong and Miss Qin, together with their girlfriends, standing on the remains of Wusong fortress
海角天涯 The ends of the earth
立在吳淞炮台殘跡上的洪秦兩小姐及女友 Miss Hong and Miss Qin, together with their girlfriends, standing on the remains of Wusong fortress
清流可以濯足 A clear stream in which you could wash your feet
畫室中的模特兒 A model in the atelier
青春的舞蹈 The dance of youth
舞的藝術[二圖] The art of dance
七歲的瓊克勞馥手裏還抱了玩偶呢 The seven-year-old Joan Crawford with a doll in her arms
瓊克勞馥及其畫像 Joan Crawford and her portrait
獃頭獃腦的冷面孔配司開登,居然也會玩棒球,而且也得到錦標呢。 The stupid-and-stern-looking Buster Keaton actually knows how to play baseball and has once got championship
同命的鴛鴦何其多 There are way too many couples who share a common destiny
案件評述 Comment on Law Cases
吳鑒光之子始亂終棄 早有妻室謊言未娶 Wu Jianguang's son kicked her away after having sex; He has a wife already but he lied that he was unmarried.
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
中華郵政特准掛號立券之報紙 The newspaper, which has the special permission of China Post for business transactions and registered delivery
玲瓏雜誌廣告刊例 Published examples of advertisement in Linglong magazine
定報價目 The subscription price
玲瓏圖畫雜誌 Lin Loon Magazine
兒童圖書館 Children's library
兒童與環境 Children and the environment
兒童與環境 Children and the environment
兒童 Children
兒童 Children
離奇的命案 捕獲正兇得力於強盜的口音和指印 An odd homicide case; the right murderer has been arrested based on the accent and finger print of the robber
編輯者言 Editor´s Note
離奇的命案 捕獲正兇得力於強盜的口音和指印 An odd homicide case; the right murderer has been arrested based on the accent and finger print of the robber
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玫玲粉,婦女隱痛之救星 Meiling powder - the savior of women from their secret pains
抵制仇貨為救國之第一步 To boycott the enemy's products is the first step of saving our nation
烈女 A chaste woman
烈女 A chaste woman
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夏令收音機常識 The common knowledge about radio in summer
自動電椅 An automatic electric chair
科學新發明 自動電椅 The new invention in science, automatic electric chair
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電氣遊藝 微光電燈 The electric entertainment, the glimmering electric lamp
自製膠管又一製法 Another way of making rubber tubes
克勞馥的太陽浴 The sunbath of Kelaofu
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好萊塢明星逸事 Anecdotes of Hollywood stars
娛樂 Entertainment
嘉寶的一段愛史 A part of Jiabao's love history
言語隔膜 有聲片不甚通行 The barrier of language. Sound films are not very wildspread.
節儉為救國要件 Frugality is an important thing for saving our nation
她們在練習着怎樣去用愛情的圈套,把男子收服起來。 They are practising how to use the trap of love to bring men under control
瑙瑪希拉與其夫歐文合影 Group photo of Naomaxila and her husband Ouwen
天一演員陸霞麗女士近影 Recent photo of Ms Lu Xiali, the actress of Tianyi