No. 045 (27 January, 1932)
Pages available: 1 - 48 (48 total)
珍妮麥唐娜近影 Recent photo of Zhenni Maitangna
智仁勇汪祿曾女士,擅演劇,性尤和善 The intelligent, kindhearted and brave Ms Wang Luzeng, good at acting, and of a very genial temper
目標:增進婦女優美之生活 Goal: to improve women's beautiful life
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第四十五期要目 Important contents of issue 45
和男子算帳 To square accounts up with men
和男子算帳 To square accounts up with men
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誰是奴隸 Who's slave?
誰是奴隸 Who's slave?
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關於接吻種種 On various kinds of kisses
關於接吻種種 On various kinds of kisses
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升官發財的念頭太濃了 The desire for power and money is too strong
升官發財的念頭太濃了 The desire for power and money is too strong
社交 The socializing
結婚的適當年齡 Right age to get married
國難有感 Some thoughts and feelings on national calamity
結婚的適當年齡 Right age to get married
國難有感 Some thoughts and feelings on national calamity
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羞澀的觀念 (續) Sense of shyness (continued)
羞澀的觀念 (續) Sense of shyness (continued)
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解答疑難 Doubts, difficulties and solutions
死了也不忘他 I won't forget him even if I die
死了也不忘他 I won't forget him even if I die
沃度兒 Odol
沃度兒 Odol
介紹實用智識與經驗,勸導指迷與改良生活 Introduction of practical knowledge and experience. Giving advice, dispelling doubts and improving life
妊娠第六七月徵候 Signs of the sixth month and the seventh month of pregnancy
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洗浴的種類與功效 Types and effects of bathing
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長生庫裡的消息 News from the pawnshop "Chang Sheng Ku (Longevity storehouse)"
治鼻血法 Remedy for nose bleed
美國女子參政 American women participate in government and political affairs
案件評述, Comment on Law Cases
愛人害愛人 She caused trouble to her beloved one
愛人害愛人 She caused trouble to her beloved one
賢慧的女兒 Virtuous daughter
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廣州潔芳女校鄭筠潔女士近影 Recent photo of Ms Zheng Junjie from Guangzhou Jiefang girls' school
音樂與文藝是她最喜愛的-劉瑪麗女士- Music, literature and art are her favorite things - Ms Liu Mali
晏摩氏女校家政班全體學生合影 Group photo of all the students of the class of domestic economy in Yanmoshi girls' school
陳湘汶女士她很快樂的拿著外衣在花園裏遊玩 Ms Chen Xiangwen is strolling happily about in a garden, holding her coat
婦女新式外衣之又一種 Another women's new style overcoat
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法國現代摩登家庭佈置特設吸煙飲酒室之一種 One kind of smoking and drinking room, a special installation of the interior design of French modern home
婦女新式外衣之又一種 Another women's new style overcoat
健康的小朋友毛麗珠 Mao Lizhu, a healthy little friend
(下)這位小弟弟他很有趣 (below) this little brother is very interesting
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金色的燦爛 Golden glory
美而貴的腿 [Two pictures] Beautiful and expensive legs
圖乃金燄與羅茜黎的表演 The picture shows the performance of Jinyan and Luoqianli
葛萊泰嘉寶,現在遇著她的新情人克拉嘉勃爾 Clark Gable Greta Garbo is now meeting her new lover Clark Gable
圖乃全才明星桃樂絲德麗奧的新居(上)全部外景,(中)臥室,(下)她的書室 Those pictures show the new residence of the versatile star Taolesi Deliao, (above) the exterior full view, (middle) the bedroom, (below) her study
中國歌舞界已資格最老,以舞姿最好見稱的歌舞明星薛玲先女士。 Ms Xue Lingxian, famous as the most experienced and the most skillful singing and dancing star in the singing and dancing world in China
白金懷爐 Platinum pocket stove
怎樣授乳 How to breastfeed
兒童 Children
兒童 Children
兒童拒吃未必是飢餓 It doesn't have to be hunger which causes a child refuses to eat
閨秀影集 Album of elegant ladies
欲補本刊者注意 Notice for those who want to subscribe our magazine after the deadline
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
逸園 Leisure garden (Canidrome)
中華郵政特准掛號立券之報紙 The newspaper, which has the special permission of China Post for business transactions and registered delivery
玲瓏圖畫雜誌 Lin Loon Magazine
少女的初戀 (五) The first love of a young girl (part five)
少女的初戀 (五) The first love of a young girl (part five)
玲瓏雜誌廣告刊例 Published examples of advertisement in Linglong magazine
定報價目 The subscription price
少女的初戀 (五) The first love of a young girl (part five)
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妻的回憶 In memory of his wife
三年來公認之佳片 (四) Universally acknowledged good films in the past three years (four)
三年來公認之佳片 (四) Universally acknowledged good films in the past three years (four)
貓鼠捕 (舒配實作) A cat is chasing a mouse (by Shu Peishi)
黛玉葬花 (南通王捷書作) Daiyu buries fallen flowers (by Wang Jieshu from Nantong)
小丑 (鮑煒彬女士) A clown (Ms Bao Yibin)
依欄望月 (南京王家琨作) Looking at the moon while leaning against a balustrade (by Wang Jiakun from Nanjing)
日落負鋤歸 (楊羨漁作) After the sunset, returning home while carrying a hoe on the back (by Yang Xianyu)
拼圖遊戲 Jigsaw's game
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王開照相館 Wang Kai photo studio
中國攝影供應社之服務 Service provided by Chinese Photography Equipment Company
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生產......消耗? Production...consumption?
北平冬季的娛樂 The winter entertainment in Beiping
海外奇聞 Fantastic stories of foreign countries
掃帚星 The comet
電影造成之慘劇 A tragic event caused by movies
電影造成之慘劇 A tragic event caused by movies
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金剛鑽礦工人的巨竊 The massive theft of a miner of a diamond mine
公爵夫人獻身銀幕 The wife of a duke dedicates herself to the screen
邱啟兒的社交談 Churchill's talk on socializing
電影 Movies
電影 Movies
美麗之花,這是明星羅麗塔楊 (Loretta Young) 的綽號 Flower of beauty, which is the nickname of the star Loretta Young
滬江大學張德怡楊球熙女士合影 Group photo of Ms Zhang Deyi, Ms Yang Qiuxi from Hujiang university