| 王勤芳女士近影 | Recent photo of Ms Wang Qinfang |
| 梁雪清女士游泳池畔之留影 | A souvenir photo of Ms Liang Xueqing on the side of a swimming pond |
| 陳安娜女士玉影 | Precious photograph of Ms Chen Anna |
| 陳婉君女士近影 | Recent photo of Ms Chen Wanjun |
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| 朱琴女士玉影 | Precious photograph of Ms Zhu Qin |
| 兩江薛奇定女士玉影 | Precious photo of Ms Xue Qiding from Liang Jiang |
| 夏季新裝:婦女時裝 | New summer fashion: fashionable dresses for women |
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| 任秀群女士芳影 | Aromatic photo of Ms Ren Xiuqun |
| 燙髮新樣(五):波羅蜜式 | Women's new hair perm styles (5): the style of Pine Apple Bob |
| 顏美清女士最近攝影 | Latest photograph of Ms Yan Meiqing |
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| 最簡單摩登寫字檯的佈置 | The arrangement of a most simple and modern writing desk |
| 嬉戲秋千之兒童 | Children having fun on the swings |
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| 欲健身心欲免肺癆必須運動 | If one wants to strengthen body and mind and to become immune to tuberculosis, one has to do sports |
| 第一國明家星曼麗杜蘭近影 | Recent photo of the first national star Manli Dulan |
| 好萊塢是藝術薈萃之區。就是攝影方面。也爭奇鬥妍。想出種種別緻的姿勢。上圖就是好萊塢時髦的攝影姿態。也是大衆所渴望要看的。 | Hollywood is a place where distinguished arts are gathered together. People contend in beauty and fascination even in photos. They come up with various unconventional poses. In the above picture one can see a chic photograhy pose in Hollywood. It is also what the masses are eager to see. |
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| 好萊塢名衣匠西摩所制之夏季新裝 | The new summer fashion made by Ximo [Seymour?], the famous tailor in Hollywood |
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| 麗琳甘許近影 | Recent photo of Lilian Gish |
| 電影明星琵琵妲妮兒最近攝影 | The latest photograph of the movie star Bebe Daniels |