Funü Shibao
No. 014 (15 July, 1914)
Pages available: 1 - 128 (128 total)
婦女時報十四號Funü shibao Issue 14
婦女們的靈驗品Efficacious [medicine] for women
婦女疾病Women's illnesses
農商總長張總裁謇之夫人吳道愔女士之影Photo of Ms. Wu Daoyin, wife of Zhang Jian, Minister of Argriculture and Commerce
施淑儀女士Ms. Shi Shuyi
王靈女士小影Photo of Ms. Wang Ling
余沈壽女士Ms. Yu Shen Shou
顧浣雲女士Ms. Gu Wanyun
城東女學校長楊白民君之家庭攝影Photo of the family of Mr. Yang Baimin, principal of Chengdong Girls School
淑女鑒/ 葛敬和女士Portraits of Ladies/ Ge Jinghe nüshi
費劍石君與李華書女士結婚攝影Wedding photo of Mr. Bi Jianshi and Ms. Li Huashu
徐振亞君與沈雲華女士在蘇州惠蔭園結婚攝影Photo of the wedding of Mr. Xu Zhenya and Ms. Shen Yunhua, held at Huiyin Garden in Suzhou
章以吳君與朱簡如女士合影 (女士為內務總長朱啟鈐君之次女公子)Photo of Mr. Zhang Yiwu and Ms. Zhu Jianru (The lady is the second daughter of Mr. Zhu Qiqian, Cabinet Minister of Internal Affairs)
祝群女校禮堂攝影/ 中華民國二年十二月Photo of the assembly hall of Zhuqun Girls' School/ December of the second year of Republic of China [1913]
祝群女學校高初等及專修科畢業合影Photo of the graduation of the higher and lower levels, and specialized courses of Zhuqun Girls' School
上海醫院女醫生攝影Photo of the female doctors at the Shanghai hospital
上海新民女學校全體女生攝影Photo of all female students at the Shanghai Xinmin Girls' School
小兒半歲時之十二態 (楊女公子一珠)Twelve postures of a six-month-old baby (Daughter of theYang [family,] Yizhu)
淑女鑒/ 陳璧女士/ 崔昭華女士Portraits of ladies/ Ms. Chen Bi/ Ms. Cui Zhaohua
紐約新式小兒玩具New children's toys from New York
劉玉如女士絲繡品攝影Embroidery by Ms. Liu Yuru
[劉玉如女士][Ms. Liu Yuru]
顧西眉畫耕織圖卷三Painting of farming and weaving by Gu Ximei, handscroll three
顧西眉畫耕織圖卷四Painting of farming and weaving by Gu Ximei, handscroll four
中將湯 / The Chujoto TsumuraThe Chujoto Tsumura
A. Wilson Dentist (in English)
夏士蓮玫瑰霜“Hazeline ‘Rose Frost'"
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有正書局新信箋New letter-writing papers by Youzheng bookstore
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圖中寓意Meanings in the picture